Hristo Kaloferov after the event: I married the most inspiring woman – – everything in a woman’s life

The Road to Success: Empowering Women in Bulgaria – A Comedic Deep Dive

Ah, Bulgaria! A country where you can find breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and apparently… a serious case of ‘Men in High Places’ syndrome! Hristo Kaloferov, the bold and charismatic host of NOVA News, recently shared his thoughts on the rather glaring gender gap in Bulgarian corporate hierarchies. It seems women are being left behind, not unlike my last pair of socks in the laundry.

Kaloferov lamented that in Bulgarian companies, patriarchal norms are alive and well—like that stubborn smell that lingers in the fridge long after you’ve forgotten about the leftovers. He even acknowledged that women are not given the same opportunities as men in these corporate jungles. But wait! Here’s the plot twist: in those big fancy international companies with a foot in Bulgaria, it’s a different story altogether. Women are climbing the corporate ladder, making glass ceilings shatter like a bad marriage proposal. Who knew competition could be so empowering?

It’s almost as if the people in those global companies heard the Bulga-‘rian’ version of “You Go Girl!” before rolling out the red carpet for women leaders. Imagine that—women inspiring other women! The nerve! Meanwhile, back home, it’s like a game of musical chairs where the music stops, and somehow only the fellas are left standing.

At the event titled "Stories of Edna Woman: The Road to Success" (a title so inspirational it should be on a motivational poster), three phenomenal women took the stage to share their success stories. This was not just a ‘let’s chat’ session; oh no! They encouraged everyone to dream big and go for it. Let’s face it, if I’ve learned one thing from these events, it’s that everyone needs a solid motivator—preferably one who isn’t just a decrepit old statue losing its paint in a park.

Kaloferov, visibly moved (the man had tears welling up like a puppy stuck on a roof), shared a very personal anecdote about his wife. "She’s a clinical psychologist, she works with children with special educational needs," he said, looking at her like she was some golden Amazon warrior. Apparently, she has lifted him from the depths of despair more than once. Now that’s a woman who deserves respect! It leads me to wonder, what on earth is she doing with a man who’s sort of like a dad joke with a bit too much espresso? But love, folks! Love can make you do wild things!

And what’s Kaloferov’s heartfelt wish for the readers of “To have the strength, courage, and freedom to make their dreams come true.” To put it in layman’s terms: “Get out there and be awesome!” Let’s be honest; all we need is a bit of courage, perhaps a sprinkling of good luck, and maybe the ability to press ‘mute’ on our innermost fears. “May the day come when you realize your success, believe even more in yourselves, and move forward.” A round of applause, please!

Now, before I go all conclusive on you, let’s take a moment to appreciate the real heroes behind this event—the sponsors! VISA is stepping up with their SHE’S NEXT Bulgaria initiative. Kudos! Because if there’s one thing that every trailblazing woman needs, it’s support, encouragement, and a decent credit card.

In conclusion, while Bulgaria may still hold onto some archaic norms, events like these remind us that progress is underway. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but with courageous women and inspirational men like Kaloferov leading the charge, the corporate landscape is going to look a whole lot different soon. So keep your eyes peeled, folks! And if you see someone struggling to get to the top, tell them to channel their inner Edna—adventure awaits!

And remember, life is a series of ups and downs! Sometimes you’re the pigeon on the statue, and sometimes you’re the statue. But in the end, you’ve got to make it work!

“I really wish that, on a slightly more serious scale, in Bulgaria, women would have access to higher positions in large companies. My observations are that in Bulgarian companies, perhaps because of the more patriarchal concepts of our society, somehow women are not allowed for the ladies to reach high enough. But look at the big international companies that have a foothold in Bulgaria, things are far from that. There, it’s the exact opposite, and I’m glad to see such examples.”

This was shared by the host and producer of NOVA News Hristo Kaloferov for

Kaloferov hosted the event where three successful ladies told their stories and challenged us not just to dream, but also inspired us to achieve our goals during’s special event “Stories of Edna Woman: The Road to Success”, which took place on October 15.

What happened at the event? Read HERE

Emotions and inspiration at the event “The Stories of Edna Woman: The Road to Success”

When asked which woman is an example of inspiration for him, the journalist did not hide the emotion in his eyes, saying to his partner Mila:

“Well, I married her. She is a clinical psychologist, she works with children with special educational needs. She has inspired me more than once, pulled me out of the bottom more than once and motivated me to move forward and develop more than once. I think , that a woman who has such power to aspire and motivate a person to develop is a woman who deserves great respect”.

And what did you wish for all readers of

“To have the strength, courage and freedom to make them come true. To be happy and proud. And may the day come when they realize their success, believe even more in themselves and move forward.”

The event “Stories of Edna Woman: The Road to Success” was held with the support of our general sponsor VISA and their initiative SHE’S NEXT Bulgaria, about which you can find out more hereas well as with our main sponsors from MINIchain stores “Rennie” and JTI.

Listen to the entire interview in the video above, and see the first footage from our event here:

– Hello dear, where are you? I’m bored. – At the neighbor’s in the closet! – And what are you doing there? – I’m listening to Kiro talking about our…

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