HPV Vaccine | What is the use of HPV vaccine for primary school girls? The effect of the medicine is not permanent? Pediatrician Dr. Colin Jiayi dispels myths – shemom is the best mentor for new mothers to accompany their baby’s growth

Earlier, Dr. Shemom’s column discussed the precautions for primary school children to receive MMRV or MMR vaccine. This time, I will explain to you a vaccine that has only been widely vaccinated among school children in recent years. Starting from 2019, the Department of Health has launched a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for eligible primary five female students under the “Hong Kong Childhood Immunization Program”. Since then, primary school girls will be arranged to receive the first dose of vaccine at their school and the second dose in primary six. What is the use of HPV vaccination for primary school girls? Should boys be vaccinated? Are the effects of the medicine not permanent? We asked Dr. Colin Jiayi, a pediatrician, to dispel the myths.

Vaccination with HPV vaccine can effectively prevent cervical cancer (diagram)

What is the human papillomavirus (also known as HPV)?

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a group of viruses that includes more than 150 different genotypes, about 40 of which can infect human reproductive organs (including men and women).

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus with more than 200 different types, about 40 of which can infect human reproductive organs.Human papillomavirus (HPV) infects the reproductive organs of humans.

What problems can human papillomavirus cause?

HPV can be spread through sexual contact. Some viruses with high-risk genotypes can cause cellular changes and cancer (such as cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer, etc.).

The most common problem is that women are persistently infected with one of the cancer-causing or high-risk types of HPV, which can cause abnormal cell changes in the cervix, and some may develop into cervical cancer within a few years.

Some human papillomaviruses are classified as “high-risk virus types” because they can cause cervical cancer. Other types of human papillomavirus, known as “low-risk virus types,” can cause sexually transmitted warts. Research shows that about 75% of sexually active people will be infected with human papillomavirus in their lifetime. Most infected patients do not have any symptoms and the infection usually resolves naturally. Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus can lead to cervical cancer in women.

HPV vaccineThe HPV vaccine can effectively prevent cervical cancer in women.

What is the human papillomavirus vaccine?

Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV vaccine for short, also known as cervical cancer vaccine) is a preventive vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer and other cancers and diseases caused by HPV infection. In Hong Kong, about 90% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 virus infection. The nine-valent human papillomavirus vaccine can cover the above seven HPV genotypes. However, the vaccine does not treat human papillomavirus infection.

Why should I be vaccinated in primary five? Can’t you get vaccinated earlier? Can boys be vaccinated?

The cervical cancer vaccine is most effective in women who have never been infected with human papillomavirus, so women who have never had sexual intercourse are best suited to receive this vaccine. In addition, boys can also be vaccinated with this vaccine, but the Government Department of Health has not arranged for boys to be vaccinated. If necessary, parents can take their children to private doctors for vaccination.

Read more >> Men and women can be infected with HPV Human papillomavirus Why does Kang call for vaccination? How should infection be faced?

How are school children vaccinated? Can parents take their children to a private doctor for vaccination? Are there any fees?

Starting from the 2019/20 school year, the Department of Health has launched a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for eligible female primary school children under the Hong Kong Childhood Immunization Program. Primary 5 female students will be arranged to receive the first dose of vaccine at the school they attend, and will receive the second dose when they enter Primary 6 next school year according to the recommended vaccination schedule. School children who cannot be vaccinated in school and eligible girls who are not studying in Hong Kong can make an appointment to be vaccinated at the district office of the School Immunization Unit.

Are all schoolgirls eligible for vaccination? Who is not suitable?

There are not many contraindications to the HPV vaccine, but they still need to be taken into consideration. People who are allergic to yeast and vaccine shots, have immune system diseases, have low platelets, or have difficulty coagulating, such as those who bleed after injections, injuries or tooth loss, or who have a fever on the same day, are not suitable for vaccination.

pneumoniaIf a girl has a fever on the day of vaccination appointment, she should not insist on vaccination (illustration).

Is the HPV vaccine safe? What reactions are likely to occur when school children are vaccinated?

The nine-valent vaccine is expected to prevent the vast majority of cervical cancers. Cervical cancer vaccines have been used around the world for many years. After large-scale clinical testing and monitoring, no obvious (abnormal) serious side effects of the vaccine were found. The side effects that people who receive the cervical cancer vaccine may experience are mild and transient. Common side effects are similar to other vaccines and include pain and redness at the injection site, red or itchy skin, fever, headache and nausea.

After a comprehensive review of scientific research and data on adverse reactions caused by cervical cancer vaccines, the World Health Organization and overseas health authorities have stated that scientific evidence proves that cervical cancer vaccines are safe and effective.

Why is HPV vaccine given in primary five?

The World Health Organization recommends that girls between the ages of 9 and 14 who are not yet sexually active be included as the main target group for HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Under the “Hong Kong Childhood Immunization Program”, girls need to receive a total of two doses of HPV vaccine. The first dose will be given in Primary 5, and the second dose will be given in Primary 6.

Under the Under the “Hong Kong Childhood Immunization Program”, girls need to receive a total of two doses of HPV vaccine. (schematic diagram)

After two vaccinations, do I not need to vaccinate again throughout my life?

Existing research shows that the vaccine is safe and effective, and its effectiveness can be maintained for at least 5 years. As for whether booster injections are needed, further research is still needed.

Will HPV vaccine cause precocious puberty if given as a child? Or started menstruation early?

Studies have shown that HPV vaccination will not make children sexually active or have sexual intercourse at an early age. Parents can rest assured that their children should be vaccinated at an appropriate age.

Related videos >> Will HPV vaccination cause my daughter to have sexual intercourse prematurely?

Reference :

Paediatrician Lin JiayiPaediatrician Lin Jiayi



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