HPV Vaccination Campaign: Over 30,000 Students in Burgundy-Franche-Comté Vaccinated against Papillomavirus

2023-10-13 14:13:00

According to the High Authority for Health, vaccination against HPV prevents up to 90% of infections that are often non-symptomatic, but cause precancerous lesions and/or cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus… It is recommended for girls and boys aged 11 to 14 years old.

The government has therefore launched a vaccination operation in nearly 7,000 middle schools from October for 5th grade students. Parents of students thus received an information kit including an authorization request allowing their child to benefit from HPV vaccination in their school. This vaccination is free and not compulsory.

© Élodie R.

This Friday, October 1, 2023, there were 12 middle school students, out of the 79 5th grade students at Stendhal college in Besançon, who volunteered to benefit from this system. The doses were administered by mobile teams from vaccination centers.

For the occasion Patrice Durand, academy inspector and academic director of the departmental services of National Education of Doubs accompanied by Agnès Hochart, director of the departmental delegation of Doubs of the regional health agency in Burgundy-Franche- County were present to promote the campaign.

65 Doubs colleges concerned

For the academy inspector, the parents “a determining role“and the campaigns are precisely intended to explain the reasons for this vaccination and”we are also there to answer them if necessary. It is important to be present in schools to show that it is almost also an educational act“.

The operation allows a first contact in the form of a prevention message. Because if today at Stendhal not all the students are volunteers, several of them have “already taken the process or will do so in the private sphere through their family doctor” explains Charlotte, the school nurse at the college. The rectorate also hopes that “students will not be ostracized but on the contrary they become ambassadors“insists Patrice Durand.

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In total, the system will be offered in 65 colleges in the department. The campaign organized this fall, and which is intended to be renewed each school year, should make it possible to take a decisive step in the prevention of cancer.

Papillomavirus: more than 30,000 students affected by vaccination in Burgundy-Franche-Comté

Since September 4, 2023, a national information campaign has been launched to raise awareness about vaccination against human papillomaviruses. Intended for middle school students between 11 and 14 years old, more than 32,000 students from 342 middle schools are concerned in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

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