HPV Pride Month: Raising Awareness for Safe Health Practices and LGBTQ Inclusivity

2023-06-27 09:29:52

“HPV Pride Month”  NO HPV NO LIMIT
#Life doesn’t stop until HPV holiday.

Create safety for every variety to have the best health in their own way.

Chulabhorn Royal College in conjunction with the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society Along with celebrities Boon-Prem Korn-Proxie Dai-Diana sent their concern and invited them to join the parade to raise awareness for everyone to be awake. knowledgeable, understanding Keep pace with the disease and prevent HPV infection. Reduce the risk of cancer caused by the HPV virus. with safe sex regular screening and HPV vaccination for immunity Creating a safe lifestyle for every diversity under the belief that everyone can have the best health in their own way.

HPV infection can happen to anyone.

8 out of 10 people have been infected with HPV at some point in their lives.

June It is a good opportunity that coincides with PRIDE Month, Chulabhorn Hospital. Chulabhorn Royal College Organize academic services, public relations campaigns to promote health literacy to the public. To raise awareness regarding the HPV virus under the campaign HPV PRIDE Month NO HPV NO LIMIT #Life is uninterrupted until the HPV holiday. By expanding the target audience of the LGBTQ HPV Campaign, it focuses on raising awareness regarding HPV prevention, with more than 8 out of 10 people being exposed to HPV at any point in time. a period of life, especially among men who have sex with men HPV infection was found 2-5 times higher in men who have sex with women.

Where is the HPV virus transmitted?

Sex is the leading cause of HPV infection. or either way If not paying attention to protection It may be at risk as well. Thus, the risk of HPV infection of all sexes is not different. And everyone who has sex has the right to be infected with HPV. The HPV virus can be easily transmitted through sexual intercourse. or skin-to-skin friction contact (Skin-to-skin) can be attached. Whether it’s vaginal, anal or oral because this organ is a sensitive area. It is a mucous membrane without skin to cover. If the skin in this area has scratches, scars, or bleeding Is a way for germs to enter the body, so having safe sex both wearing condoms and not changing multiple sex partners In conjunction with prevention by HPV screening and vaccination to have immunity is important in creating safety for all lives, not encountering the risk of developing a serious disease from HPV infection, so that everyone Varieties can have the best health in their own way.

Cancer caused by factors caused by HPV infection

HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. It is a virus that causes diseases of the genital and anal area, such as cervical cancer. vaginal cancer vulvar cancer anal cancer including mouth and throat cancer and genital warts All gender groups, or anyone who is sexually active, are equally at risk of contracting HPV. which may inadvertently spread to others There are approximately 40 HPV strains that cause disease, but only a few are frequently infectious, including HPV 6, 11 low-risk strains that cause warts, HPV 16, 18, 58, 52, 45. with extreme violence The major risk factor for HPV infection is the development of lesions into various types of cancer in the future.

cervical cancer It is the second most common cancer in Thai women following breast cancer. By finding more than 9,000 new patients a year and 4,700 deaths a year, or every 2 hours, there must be 1 person who leaves this world. HPV is the second leading cause of death among Thai women and it is well known that HPV infection is the main cause of cervical cancer, with types 16 and 18 being the leading cause of mouth cancer. the uterus is up to 70% and the risk of developing pre-cervical lesions is 35 times higher than that of the general population. common With advances in medical science, there is a way to screen for cervical cancer for women with advanced technology from HPV DNA testing to tell doctors that the examiner is at risk of developing cervical cancer. or not Traditional Pap smear screening can detect changes in cells that can take up to 10 years to occur. And sometimes until it is detected, it enters the terminal stage of cancer, so it is currently recommended to women over the age of 30 or among women who have had sex. Consult your doctor for an HPV test. It can detect up to 14 HPV strains and can determine if it is an HPV strain that is at high risk of developing lesions. Including now there is HPV Self Sampling that can be screened by yourself. This is because HPV infection does not show symptoms until the disease develops. But early detection of pre-cancerous lesions will help doctors control the risk of developing cervical cancer. and make informed treatment decisions

anal cancer is cancer that will have polyps or lumps in the anus Some patients may have bloody diarrhea, anal pain, abnormal itching around the anus, bleeding, and a small lump. Abnormal excretion from the original Enlarged lymph nodes, swollen groin, which symptoms are similar to hemorrhoids. HPV infection is also one of the major factors in causing anal cancer among those who have anal sex. in the group of men who have sex with men HPV in the anal area was found to be less eradicated among men who have sex with women, making them 20 times more likely to develop anal cancer.

Oral and throat cancer is a malignant lump that occurs in the organs in the oral cavity such as the lips, gums, uvula, buccal, soft and hard palate, tonsils, jaw bone upper part of the neck And the organs that are most often found to be cancerous are the tongue and the bottom of the mouth under the tongue. which is in an area called upper pharynx behind the oral cavity It is a severe and dangerous cancer if detected at an advanced stage. It greatly affects the quality of life and mental health. Risk factors include smoking or tobacco use. and drinking alcohol And the HPV virus from oral sex (Oral sex) because some people think it’s safe and doesn’t cause pregnancy. But it made me more satisfied with my sexual taste. However, oral sex may not be safe. There is a chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases as well, including HIV, sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes, parasites, hepatitis A virus. and HPV. At present, the number of cases of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer in the United States and the United Kingdom has been reported. Much higher than cervical cancer patients and is more often found in men than in women For Thailand and Asian countries, although the incidence is less than European or American countries. But from the study Meta-Analysis Data collection from many countries in Asia. The prevalence of oral and throat cancer was found to be around 37% and it was found to be increasing. Studies have been conducted to look at the trends for the next 7 years that by 2030, Thailand will have a prevalence of oral and throat cancer. From the HPV virus up to 50%, which is associated with risk factors such as changing sexual partners, sexual orientation, etc.

In addition to cancer from HPV is common. This cancer is asymptomatic at first. Symptoms appear when they become severe, regarding 10-15 years following infection. Therefore, many patients become complacent, causing their dreams, happiness, or certain goals to be interrupted by this disease. and face the process of treatment both the suffering of the disease The stress that occurs both to yourself and those around you, including the stress of the relatively high cost of treatment. Therefore, precaution is extremely important.

HPV infection is a silent threat that shows no symptoms.

HPV infection is like a silent threat that does not show any symptoms for more than 10 years, only when it has spread. People with HPV do not know that they have been infected and may spread to others unknowingly. Although most of the body’s immune system can get rid of HPV, there are some parts that can’t get rid of HPV can develop into genital warts or various cancers in the future. Cervical cancer has occurred There are other cancers for which HPV infection is the most important risk factor, such as vaginal cancer. vulvar cancer penile cancer anal cancer Oral and throat cancer which can occur with all genders, groups, diversity, so having safe sex both wearing condoms and not changing multiple sex partners Along with prevention with HPV screening and vaccination to have immunity is important in creating safety for all lives, not encountering the risk of developing a serious disease until the HPV prevention day is stopped so that every variety can have the best health in their own way

Life does not stop until the HPV holiday.

No matter what kind of love you have. All gender groups, or anyone who is sexually active, are equally at risk of contracting HPV. Therefore, I would like to show the power to stop HPV in this campaign together. Join to create safety away from cancer caused by the HPV virus. We can avoid and prevent as follows.

safe sex : Avoid risky sex. not having many sex partners wear a condom It is a device that reduces the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases most clearly.

Screening regularly : Should undergo cervical cancer screening, including HPV DNA testing, which is a screening test that can identify up to 14 types of HPV infection in total Strains 16 and 18 with high severity and the most common strains in Thailand are 16, 51, 52 that will also develop pre-cervical lesions.

HPV vaccination to build immunity : HPV vaccination prevents all cancers regardless of sexual orientation. In which everyone can be infected with HPV no differently, therefore, the HPV vaccine should be vaccinated in order to have immunity to prevent various cancers from the HPV virus that may occur and be able to live safely.

Can people of all genders be vaccinated once morest HPV?

“Sexual intercourse is a major cause of infection. HPV all sexes, whether women, men and all genders, or anyone who is still sexually active. There is no difference in the risk of HPV infection. Therefore, HPV vaccination to increase immunity is beneficial for all ages. It also helps reduce risk factors to prevent cervical cancer. vaginal cancer vulvar cancer penile cancer anal cancer mouth and throat cancer For the HPV vaccination campaign in Thailand has continued. Doctors recommend starting injections in children from the age of 9 years old, both women and men. The parents began to bring their sons to inject. But still not as popular as women. Because the starting point in Thailand for the vaccination campaign is to reduce the problem of cervical cancer. because prevention is better than cure If not prevented by HPV vaccination, including having risky behaviors such as having multiple sex partners In addition, among transmen, some transgender men who use only Hormone without surgery will still have their uterus, they can become infected with HPV and become cervical cancer, for example. together And there is a chance of getting vaginal cancer if they continue to have sex as a normal woman. Among transwomen, transgender women can also get HPV and can cause anal cancer. In the sex reassignment group with a new vulva, HPV is found to cause cancer in the vulva as well. Therefore, transwomen who have undergone sex reassignment surgery should undergo an annual screening. together with HPV vaccination prevention to have immunity is useful to reduce the risk of serious disease in the future

Currently, the HPV vaccine is widely used worldwide. Both the 2-strain HPV vaccine (16, 18 ), the 4-strain (6, 11, 16, 18) and the 9-strain HPV vaccine (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58) Can be injected from the age of 9 years old, with children aged 9-15 years being the age that creates the best immunity due to high immunity and not having sex. 2 doses of the vaccine will be given on the 0th and 6th months. For those aged 15 years and over, 3 doses will be given on the 0, 1-2, and 6th months.

Chulabhorn Royal College in conjunction with the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society Along with celebrities Boon-Prem Korn-Proxie Dai-Diana sent their concern and invited them to join the parade to raise awareness for everyone to be awake. knowledgeable, understanding Keep pace with the disease and prevent HPV infection. Reduce the risk of cancer caused by the HPV virus byhave safe sex regular screening and HPV vaccination for immunity Creating a safe lifestyle for every diversity under the belief that everyone can have the best health in their own way.

#HPVPridemonth #NoHPVNoLimit
#Life doesn’t stop until HPV holiday.
#Bun PremNoHPVNoLimit
#Chulaporn Hospital
#Every patient’s life is our heart.
# Chulabhorn Royal College
#Excellent for every life

#HPV #Pride #Month #HPV #LIMIT



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