How will you get paid if you work today?

Clarifications for him method of remuneration of employees of the private sector who will work on August 15th was given a few days ago by the GSEE.

As August 15th is a mandatory holiday, the employment of employees is prohibited, as well as the operation of businesses, except for those that legally operate on Sundays and during mandatory holidays.

What applies to those who work on August 15th

For employees who will be employed on August 15

a) daily wage earners will receive their usual daily wage and a 75% increase, which will be calculated on their legal hourly wage, for as many hours as they work,

b) those on a monthly salary will receive as many hourly wages as the hours they work and a 75% increase to their legal hourly wage.

In addition, employees should be aware that:

– If the employment of both the daily wages and the monthly wages, on August 15, is over 40 hours, it is due, in addition to the surcharge, additional remuneration, due to overtime etc..

– Employees who are on leave are also entitled to the daily wage of August 15, without, however, counting this day in the working days of their leave. Those who are paid a monthly salary will not get an additional day’s pay for the holiday, but even in this case the day of the holiday will not be counted in the working days of their leave.

– Employees who abstain from work for their own reasons are not entitled to the daily wage, if the business operates legally on Sundays and holidays.

For employees who will not be employed on August 15, the following applies:

a) daily wage earners who will not be employed for reasons not due to them, will receive their daily wage usually paid for that particular day,

b) those on a monthly salary are not entitled to any other remuneration, apart from their paid salary.

#paid #work #today



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