How to use super-fast “copy and paste” between Apple devices

With only three fingers, it is possible, in a few seconds, to copy and paste content between iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Decidedly, iOS, iPad OS and macOS are full of very practical and surprising features. A latest, discovered by a user on Twitter, concerns copying and pasting between iPhone, iPad and Mac. With three fingers on the screen or trackpad, it is possible to very quickly copy text or a photo and paste on another appled device.

You are not unaware that most Apple devices have Handoff functionality, allowing you to quickly copy then paste photos and texts between an iPhone, an iPad and a Mac. A very practical feature allowing you to very quickly transfer an object without the inconvenience of a USB key or a transfer by email, cloud or WeTransfer link.

But Michael Tobin, a Twitter and TikTok videographer, found the universal copy-and-paste feature might be even more convenient and quick. By pinching the screen with three fingers, the iPhone or iPad will copy the selected text or photo. If you open the three fingers, you will paste the selection. A feature that has actually existed since 2019 and that few users actually knew regarding.

How to use the feature

In order to use this ultra-fast copy-paste, several options must be activated. It is thus necessary to activate the Handoff functionality, which you will find on Mac by going to the menu Applethen in the System Preferencesin General then check the option Allow Handoff Between This Mac and Your iCloud Devices. On iPhone and iPad, you have to go to the settings, go to General then go to the tab AirPlay et Handoff where you will activate Handoff.

Then make sure WiFi and Bluetooth are turned on and all your devices are signed into the same iCloud account.

Then, on an iPhone or iPad, select a text or open a photo and pinch three fingers on the screen until you have a “tab”Copier” displayed at the top of the screen. The copy function does not work with the MacBook trackpad.

Finally, on your iPhone, iPad, or MacBook, place your three fingers and spread them apart to paste the selection. After a short loading time, you will find your photo or text on your other device.

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