How to use plants to improve health and well-being in your home

almost all plants bring benefits emotional, aesthetic and even health. In the case of health, some have a greater capacity to filter the air and thus improve its quality. They also help reduce stress, even in the workplace.

For take advantage of these features It is necessary to know, first, that not all species meet these requirements. Second, knowing which is the best place to locate them. And third, what light and irrigation needs each particular plant has.

A series of tips will serve as a guide to choose the most suitable species and place and, in this way, take advantage of all the benefits of these green friends. So how do you use plants to improve health and well-being in your home?

How to use plants to improve health and well-being in your home

Plants to improve well-being in your home. They provide a lot of green. Some need a lot of sunlight and others can be placed in darker sectors. /Photo: Shutterstock

Adrián Stanganelli, graduate in Landscape Planning and Design, from pure landscapingdetails some species that have increased air filtering capacity: el helecho de Boston (Nephrolepsis obliterata), el lirio de China (Aglaonema modestum) y la calita roja (Anthurium andraeanum).

He boston fern it requires a lot of water and, therefore, it should be located near other plants that are watered frequently, to avoid forgetfulness. The China lily can live in spaces with little light, such as the bathroom or a corner of the house. Red calla lily is similar to a houseplant, but has a very attractive red flower. It needs spaces with very good light.

Las large plantsMeanwhile, they provide a lot of green. An example is the very large-leaved Strelitzia nicolai, which belongs to the same family as the bird flower, a well-known outdoor plant, but it can live indoors.

Ficus elastica malbec is a variety of rubber that has very dark leaves and is ideal for create color contrasts. On the other hand, the Spathiphyllum sensation is an indoor plant that has larger leaves and flowers.

Plants to improve well-being in your home. The small species, in pots, brighten up the corners. /Photo: Illustration Shutterstock.

at the time of putting plants to improve well-being the following should be taken into account:

  • Choosing the right plant for the right place. There is no way to maintain a healthy plant, if it is not located in a place with enough light.
  • Do some research and learn the necessary irrigation frequency of each plant, because, many times, the irrigation is too abundant and this can cause the death of the species.
  • Make sure the substrate is dry before watering once more.
  • Clean the blades, because dust reduces their ability to perform the photosynthesis.
  • Apply fertilizer always in the doses and frequency recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Pay close attention to the presence of pests and start treatment as soon as possible.

Plants to improve well-being in your home. Some, like the Ficus pandurata, require specific care. /Photo illustration Shutterstock.

On the other hand, it should be known that some plants actually they do not provide well-being.

  • The Oils of Europe (olive tree) became very popular as an indoor plant due to its presence on social networks, but the truth is that it does not do well indoors.
  • Other fashionable plants, such as the fig tree pandurata or the Calathea stromanthe, need very specific care especially when its owner lacks basic knowledge of gardening.



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