how to use it to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids

modern life

The Mayo Clinic explains that out of 4 adults, 3 may have hemorrhoids.


The Mayo Clinic explains that hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus and rectum that become inflamed. They are generally produced by an effort to evacuate, by constipation or even by chronic diarrhea. He explains that with age the risk of hemorrhoids increases because “the tissues that support the veins in the rectum and anus can become weak and stretched.”

Among the most common symptoms of external hemorrhoids are pain, bleeding and irritation; likewise, swelling and inflammation.

Hence, the Clinic of some recommendations to prevent or reduce the risk of hemorrhoids such as maintaining a diet rich in fiber, because this will allow the stool to increase and soften it, allowing its easy evacuation. The same goes for drinking drinks like water.

Chamomile Benefits

your health In one of her articles reviewed by the nutritionist, Tatiana Zanin, she assures that chamomile is a medicinal plant included in many treatments, thanks to its bioactive compounds that have the ability to reduce stress and anxiety levels. In addition to fighting the symptoms of different digestive disorders.

However, while chamomile tea has many benefits, the website, Easy cook, points out that it can be useful relieving pain caused by hemorrhoids.

  1. Boil a cup of water.
  2. Add some chamomile flowers.
  3. Let boil for 15 minutes.
  4. Let send and consume.

What is a sitz bath?

These baths are used to relieve pain and muscle spasms. In addition to helping to cure different surgeries, including hemorrhoids.

And as detailed on its website, the Mayo Clinic, Submerging the anal area in warm water for approximately 10 to 15 minutes at least twice a day can help with this problem.

Elderberry tea, a medicinal beauty

Its white flowers are used to treat flu, kidney problems, burns and, of course, hemorrhoids. The beauty of this plant not only adorns gardens, but is also useful in gastronomy.

  1. In a pot with two liters of water, you should boil some elderberry, coffee leaves along with other witch hazel for 15 minutes.
  2. Then sitz baths should be taken with lukewarm water at least twice a day.
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horse chestnut tea

The horse chestnut is a large tree that has the fruit of the chestnuts of India, with vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory properties, according to the portal bodymind. With them you can prepare a drink not only for those who suffer from hemorrhoids, but also for those who suffer from menstrual and leg pain.

  1. First you should mix a little Indian chestnuts with two glasses of water.
  2. Let it boil for approximately 15 minutes.
  3. After this, the health portal recommends drinking the preparation three times a day.

In conclusion, it is always recommended to consult with a health professional, to carry out the indicated treatments and counteract this condition.

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