How to use aluminum foil to prevent cats from scratching your furniture?

Cats love to scratch, it’s a natural reflex! However, if they have fun doing it on your furniture, they damage it very quickly. Fortunately, there are appropriate solutions to keep them away. You don’t need to punish them! Discover our tips to prevent our feline friends from scratching your furniture. One thing is certain, they will be less tempted! Let’s go !

It’s scratching its claws on the padded headboard you’ve just bought, but not only… Your sofa is also paying the price. Decidedly, to mark its territory, your feline is ready for anything, even destroying your pretty furniture! But it’s time for it to stop…

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Have you ever heard of the aluminum foil trick? We put you in the mood!

Cat lying on the sofa. Source: spm

How to repel cats with aluminum foil? A simple children’s game!

Here is a trick that will change the lives of cat owners! Your sofa and your bed will be spared without the slightest effort.

Why are cats afraid of aluminum?

Accessible and inexpensive, aluminum foil protects your furniture from cat scratches. How ? Quite simply, because cats can’t stand the sound of aluminum foil, let alone touch it. As a result, they avoid all surfaces on which it is exposed. It’s simple !

To use this trick, all you have to do is cover the area you want to protect on your sofa with aluminum foil for several weeks. He will not dare approach the armrest of your sofa because of the noise of the aluminum which will frighten him.

To protect your bed, you can put a sheet of aluminum foil under the pillow. As soon as your feline climbs on the pillow to attack your pretty headboard, it will run away as soon as it hears the sound of the aluminum foil. It is to believe that the noise of aluminum foil effectively keeps cats away. He will leave the area in question sooner than expected. Mission accomplished!

Besides the aluminum foil trick, here are some other tricks to repel cats away from your furniture.

Natural cat sprays and repellents

The cat has a developed sense of smell, so it is sensitive to many smells. That’s good ! There are natural sprays and repellents to spray on the corners of your couch. They drive your cat away as soon as he approaches them. We cite the example of lavender, citrus fruits… It’s super effective!

Attention ! The cat’s sense of smell is too sensitive, take the advice of your veterinarian before using these sprays!

Install a scratching post and even a cat tree

The need to scratch is natural in cats. And for that, consider installing a scratching post or a cat tree to please your pet. To attract your cat to its scratching post, use catnip. It’s a good trick!

Cat lying on a cat tree

Cat lying on a cat tree. Source: spm

Orange peels

Do not throw away your orange peels, they will be used to prepare a natural repellent for your own cat!

  1. They are cut into small pieces;
  2. We place them under the sofa and it’s done!


To prevent the cat from approaching your sofa, think of pepper! We put it on the edges of the sofa. Cats can’t stand the smell and quickly move away. Bingo!

Read also: The genius trick to keep your cat away from the laptop

Is aluminum dangerous for cats, especially if he swallows it?

Foil balls are dangerous for your cats. For what ? These balls tend to break down. Consequently, if your little feline swallows pieces of aluminium, this is dangerous for its health, particularly its digestion. We therefore suggest that you only use the aluminum balls to play with your cat and remove them when the game is over. And There you go !

Next to the hairs they leave on our sofas, our beds and even our clothes, cat scratches on furniture are our sworn enemies, well almost…Not anymore if you follow these tips! Up to you !

Read also: Get rid of all pet hair on your carpets and sofas. This product costs only one euro and works wonders



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