2024-01-15 11:31:36
What to do if you have large lymph nodes on your neck depends on the remaining symptoms. However, a visit to the doctor is often necessary.
Question: What should you do if you have large lymph nodes on your neck?
Swollen lymph nodes usually not only hurt, but also make it difficult to swallow. With a few tips you can relieve the swelling and pain.
- Basically, the lymph nodes are part of the immune defense and are usually swollen during infections. For example, colds are almost always accompanied by swollen nodes.
- However, there are also other explanations for swollen lymph nodes, which can also be malignant in nature. Be sure to see a doctor!
- One way to deal with the swollen nodes is to get a massage. This stimulates lymphatic drainage and can help reduce swelling more quickly.
- Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can also help. These can also help combat the actual inflammation.
- Compresses are also very helpful. These should be lukewarm and moist. Also drink enough water to further stimulate lymph flow.
The doctor decides what to do in individual cases if there are large lymph nodes on the neck.imago images / emil umdorf
Information regarding lymph nodes
Although the lymphatic system is an essential part of the immune system, very few people know regarding this system.
- Lymph nodes are a very important part of the immune system. They transport pathogens and bacteria as well as antibodies and white blood cells and bring them into the blood.
- The flow into the blood takes place on the right and left in the immediate vicinity of the collarbone. The last large lymph stations, which carry all of the body’s lymph, are also located there.
- Lymph is formed by the blood being squeezed out. The remaining filtrate with the specific cells is then the Lymph. The composition varies depending on your health status.
- The largest and most palpable lymph nodes are in the neck. But it can also happen that the lymph nodes can be felt in the groin or armpits.
- Incidentally, it is not uncommon for small children to have swollen lymph nodes. These usually have to constantly struggle with new pathogens, which is why the nodules are painless.
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