How to treat a headache behind the head

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How to treat a headache behind the head? There are several tricks to treat headaches effectively at home without resorting to medications, and follow a healthy lifestyle and nutrition to avoid headaches.

How to treat a headache behind the head?

In the following lines, we will mention how to treat a headache behind the head in effective and proven ways:


Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also contains a substance called gingerol, which has powerful medicinal properties. Known as a headache medicine, ginger is an ideal home remedy that reduces the inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus relieving the pain.

To take advantage of it to treat headaches, soak ginger roots in boiling water or mix equal amounts of lemon and ginger juice. This drink is taken once or twice a day.


Pepper can help relieve nasal congestion by thinning mucus. Pepper contains capsaicin, which can help get rid of throbbing headaches.

Pepper powder can be sprinkled on food or tea to relieve headaches.

How to treat a headache behind the head


Cinnamon is a spice rich in antioxidants, which protects health Heart and contain anti-inflammatory properties, so it can effectively treat headaches.

You should grind some cinnamon sticks and add some water to it to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the forehead and lie on the back for 30 minutes, then wash the face with lukewarm water.

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the Garlic

Garlic can help treat colds and headaches associated with colds. In addition, it has antibacterial and antiviral properties and also helps relieve congestion, thus reducing headache-related pain.

Boil three crushed garlic cloves and add one tablespoon of lemon juice with two teaspoons of honey. This drink is taken twice a day.


Turmeric is used to treat headaches and migraines due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking turmeric milk has been shown to help reduce headaches and relieve congestion.

Boil a cup of milk and add a teaspoon of turmeric to it. Drink it three times daily to relieve headaches and body aches associated with colds.


Clove can be used as a home remedy for headaches thanks to its soothing and pain-relieving properties. Add 2 drops of clove oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and sea salt.

The forehead and temples are gently massaged with this product. Or add 1 teaspoon of ground cloves to a cup of boiling water, and let it steep for 10 minutes before drinking the drink.

basil leaves

Basil leaves have pain relief benefits. Basil leaf oil acts as a muscle relaxant and helps relieve tension headaches.

Add 4 basil leaves to a cup of boiling water and leave to soften. Then add a drop of honey to the drink and drink it hot as tea.

Mint leaves

Mint leaves contain menthol and menthone, which have a calming effect and can help relieve headache pain.

After grinding some mint leaves, add some water to it to make a paste. Apply the paste on the forehead whenever a person feels a severe headache for 10 to 15 minutes.



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