How to tell if a cat has a fever in four steps

Cats are particularly sensitive animals, so if they have a fever, you will quickly notice a change in their behavior and other unusual symptoms.

According to veterinarian Rodrigo Herrera, The most common cause of fever in cats is due to bacterial infections, either due to fights with other felines, infected wounds, poorly cared for surgeries and other causes.

If a cat has a fever, you should not take this lightly, as an increase in feline temperature is never normal.

In this case, it is important to go to a trusted veterinarian as soon as possible so that they can administer the appropriate treatment.

How to know if a cat has a fever?

First of all, you should stay alert to the symptomsAccording to Herrera and the veterinarian, Victor Giron, these are some of them:

  • Panting, which may indicate fever or breathing problems
  • Changes in behavior. They may seek refuge in dark places, show apathy, lack energy and become depressed.
  • Lack of appetite. The cat may stop eating.
  • According to Girón, the belly may be hot, as well as the ears and the pads on the feet. The specialist also mentions that the cat may have glassy eyes.
  • Dry nose. This is not a direct sign, however, if you notice that your cat has a dry nose, it could be a case of fever if it is accompanied by other symptoms.

According to the specialized portal Animal ExpertOther symptoms that a cat with fever may present include: poor hygiene, restless or anxious behavior, and decreased water intake. In more severe cases, the cat may have chills, tremors, or rapid breathing, according to specialists.

To take your temperature and confirm if you have a fever, here are the steps you should follow:

Step 1. Get the right thermometer

According to experts, it is important to use a special thermometer for cats. Herrera mentions that one with flexible features is the best option for taking the temperature. If you cannot get one, it is preferable to have the vet take the temperature.

Step 2. Clean and disinfect the thermometer

Use alcohol to disinfect your thermometer. Then, lubricate the tip with baby Vaseline or another lubricant recommended by your veterinarian. According to Girón, it is preferable to use special lubricant for this purpose.

It is always important to read the instructions that come with this item to avoid using any product that is not appropriate.

If the cat is apathetic, this is a sign of illness and irregularities according to experts. (Photo Prensa Libre: Freepik)

Step 3. Insert the thermometer rectally

Although it is uncomfortable for the cat, the only reliable way to take the temperature is by inserting the thermometer into the anus. To do this, you must lift the pet’s tail and insert the tip of the thermometer. Remember to be extremely careful with this.

According to Animal ExpertWhen inserting this device, you should make sure not to do it “straight up”, but rather tilt the thermometer slightly to ensure a reliable result. However, Girón advises to be careful with this, since the angle must be correct to avoid injuries.

Additionally, caution should also be taken because some rectal areas in cats are small.

Step 4. Wait a few seconds to check the temperature

It will take about a few seconds for the thermometer to display the temperature. When the device stops, remove it and check the result. Many experts recommend cleaning the thermometer afterwards and rewarding your pet for its cooperation.

If your cat has a fever, call a doctor immediately. If you have any additional questions about how to do this procedure, we share an explanatory video so you can use it as a guide. On the other hand, if it is not possible for you to take your cat’s temperature, we recommend visiting the veterinarian so that the expert can take care of this process.

What is the common temperature for a cat?

According to Herrera, Normal temperature ranges between 38.5 and 39.5 degreesIf the temperature is on the limit, it is important to be alert, as it could be an indicator of some condition.

When to see a vet?

If you have already taken the temperature and it is in an abnormal range, consult a veterinarian immediately. On the other hand, it is important to carry out annual check-ups to prevent diseases, according to Herrera: “It is always recommended to carry out an annual check-up when a cat is young and if it is older, twice a year,” she mentions.


For taking temperatures, a specific recommendation is to avoid using a mercury thermometer, says Girón.

As for disease prevention, visit the vet when appropriate to prevent illness. Herrera places special emphasis on the prevention of diseases such as leukemia (preventable with vaccination) and feline AIDS, which can be prevented by neutering.

A medical visit is crucial to keep your cat healthy. (Photo Prensa Libre: Freepik)

It is also important to keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date and to stay informed about the care that a cat requires. You should also be aware of the misconceptions about owning cats, since there is a belief that cats transmit toxoplasmosis to humans, when in reality the route of infection is contaminated food such as lettuce and strawberries, according to Herrera.

Finally, remember that preventing any disease is the key to keeping your cat healthy and happy. Therefore, please note that this information is for guidance only and if your pet shows any abnormal symptoms, call your trusted veterinarian immediately.

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