How to stop it from killing my PC on every reboot?

2023-08-04 15:05:00

As the name implies, the Antimalware service is responsible for looking for malware on your computer – all devices that are there to steal your data and cause damage are classified as “malware”, such as viruses, Keylogers, Spyware, Adware, among others. This service is part of Windows Defender, Microsoft’s antivirus that comes automatically installed with the operating system.

The high consumption of memory and Disk is due to the fact that the program does a complete search of the main places that are attacked. After this scan, it goes into low-power mode, offering real-time protection against new threats.

Our tutorial manages to schedule this scan so that it only happens once a week, instead of every time the computer is turned on.

Antimalware Service Executable consuming almost 100% Disk. Source: Oficina da Net

Necessary time: 5 minutes

Every time the computer is turned on, Windows Defender scans files for viruses. We can schedule this task to run weekly instead of daily.

Patch me Starttype it Task Scheduler and click on the icon;

click in scheduler librarythen on Microsoft, Windows and finally Windows Defender;

You will see four tasks inside the Windows Defender folder. Click on the first one and then on properties;

Under properties, click triggers and then on Novo;

Here you can customize and schedule when the Windows Defender scan will be performed. In the image below, I have scheduled the scan to happen weekly, every Monday, but you can customize it any way you like;

Repeat the same process on all four tasks and voila!

But of course you can have Avast, AVG, Norton or any other antivirus service on your machine. In that case, Windows Defender is completely unnecessary and you can completely disable it without fear. If this is your case, or you want to disable Windows Defender for any reason, follow these steps:

Necessary time: 4 minutes

Disabling Windows Defender and Firewall is a simple process, see below:

To disable Windows Defender, go to Start and click on settings;

We are in the Windows settings menu. On the left, click Privacy and Securitythen on Windows Security;

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Now click on Virus and threat protection;

Here we can handle Windows Defender. Go in manage settings;

Click individually on each of the buttons to disable the antivirus. When a message appears asking for permission to modify the files, press sim;

That’s it, you’ve disabled Windows Defender. Now, if you also want to disable the Firewall, click on Firewall and Network Protection;

Click individually on the three networks, domain network, private network e Public network and disable protection;

If you followed all the steps correctly, it should look like this:

Restart your PC and you’re done. If you go back to Task Manager, you can find the Antimalware service running. Remember that at the beginning of the post we said that in addition to doing a complete scan at each startup, it maintains a system in real time? Well, it’s this one in real time that keeps running, but without causing a big impact on the computer’s performance.

I hope that with this tip your computer will breathe easier when restarting. And if you haven’t read our post on how to turn off Windows data telemetry, click here and learn how to make your machine even quieter with each boot.

If you have problems with 100% disk usage, check out our tutorial here with possible solutions to the problem.

#stop #killing #reboot

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