How to smile more every day and why it feels good

2024-07-30 17:00:29

Marie Desanger

I’m a health journalist known for my commitment to providing accurate and accessible information in this critical area.

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Laughter is often considered the best medicine, and it turns out there’s actually medical evidence supporting the benefits of laughter. Laughter is the physical manifestation of finding something funny, and it can help reduce inflammation and stress hormones, improve circulation, and strengthen the immune system.

Laughter changes brain activity

Research examining brain activity in people who laugh suggests laughter can Stimulates therapeutic gamma waves, similar to those seen by long-term meditators. It’s this effect on the brain that can improve your health in surprising ways. Just a few moments of laughter can help us think more clearly, more creatively, and strengthen our sense of connection with others.

Laughter triggers the release of feel-good chemicals, which can help relieve pain and anxiety. It helps quickly eliminate stress reactions caused by daily stress. A meta-analysis of 45 randomized controlled trials showed that laughter can improve mental health by improving mood, well-being, quality of life and reducing anxiety, depression and fatigue in people with mental or physical illnesses. The beneficial effects of laughter are amplified when you laugh with others because laughter is contagious.

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of laughter, here are some tips for filling your daily life with laughter:

1. Don’t worry about being “funny”

You don’t have to be a comedian to laugh more. Humor is not a talent, but a habit. Instead of worrying about whether you’re smart or funny, try to find humor in your everyday life. For example, if you accidentally spill your coffee, laughing with those present can lighten the mood.

When you find something funny, try to laugh out loud. It may feel contrived at first, but over time, you’ll naturally start laughing more often. The more interested you are in humor, the more skilled you will become.

2. Build your comedy collection

If you’re in the habit of constantly consuming negative messages on social media, it’s time to change that habit. Instead, fill yourself with humorous content. Follow and like as many pages on social media that make you laugh, This will allow humor to appear more frequently in your feed.

3. Take a break and laugh

Plan a laughter break into your day. A well-planned break 15 minutes of humor can boost your productivity. Watch a funny YouTube video or comedy clip late at night for five minutes, then set an alarm to remind you to get back to work.

4. Try the “Three Fun Things” exercise

You may have heard of the power of a gratitude journal, where you write down three good things that happened to you during the day. Humor journaling can have a similar impact. Write down three interesting things that happened during the day. One study showed that this practice can reduce symptoms of depression and improve overall well-being for up to six months. This will allow you to see the humor instantly.

5. Use laughter to learn more

Humor can enhance learning by strengthening memory through emotional connections. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, helping to repair damage caused by the stress hormone cortisol in areas of the brain responsible for learning and memory. Laughter is a language we all recognize. It creates a connection and makes us feel closer to each other. Therefore, it aids learning and improves health.

6. Don’t be afraid to relax

Learn to laugh at yourself. Laughing at your own mistakes can help you take a step back, face difficulties and overcome misfortune. Think about how you could respond in a stressful situation with more humor or a lighter touch. This allows you to see the humor in difficult situations and learn to let go.

If you have trouble laughing or have a more serious mood disorder or mental illness, it’s best to seek help from a health care professional.


Laughing has many physical and mental health benefits. It stimulates the release of feel-good chemicals that help reduce stress, improve memory, and strengthen social bonds. It’s important to find ways to bring more laughter into our daily lives, whether that’s finding humor in our daily lives, surrounding ourselves with humorous content, or taking time to laugh. So don’t hesitate to smile more every day and enjoy the many benefits it brings to your overall health.

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