How to request a refund for those who have paid the 1 and annual installment of taxes in Río Negro

Many people simultaneously made quota 1 and the annual payment of taxes, whether automotive or real estate. In these cases, the Río Negro Collection Agency informed about the return.

The objective is that they have the possibility that this balance in favor is returned by the collecting agency in bank account of the holders. Or be credited in another tax.

It must be taken into account that it reaches automotive and real estate taxes where payments of the 1 and annual 2023 quota are registered on the same item or domain.

For To request a refund in a bank account, you must enter > Procedures-> Select the tax (automotive or real estate) and then the procedure Refunds and accreditations-> Refund balance in favor (Res. 92/23).

In the form, the requested data must be completed (CUIT, Number of departure or domain) and inform the CBU of the bank account where the return must be made.

each taxpayer You will receive an email confirming receipt of the procedure, the refund will be made automatically in the declared bank account and in case there are reasons for rejection, each owner will be informed of the situation via email.

Those who prefer to credit the balance in favor of another tax debtthey must request it through the Virtual Office by entering ART Provincia de Río Negro with their AFIP tax code.

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