How to remove moisture from the house? Quick and easy tricks

The humidity It is one of the biggest problems for many people, as it can not only affect our health, but it can also cause damage to our homespecifically in the ceiling or walls.

Below we tell you some tips and tricks to avoid humidity in your home. Remember that you can apply them at any time and they are all easy to do.

Tricks to remove humidity from the house

1. Open the windows and ventilate your spaces

This is a very simple action to prevent the accumulation of mold, mites and other impurities. Circulating air helps to dry naturally and alters the environment that fungi and bacteria need to develop.

2. Check your home’s siding

Every so often, preferably in summer, it is recommended that you do a Thorough review of the roof and walls of your house to find out if any place has fissures, cracks or breaks and repair them in order to make it prevent water leaks.

3. Don’t take so long to bathe

Apart from the kitchen, the bathroom is another of the places that generate more humidity. Therefore, it is best to avoid long showers with very hot water as this will you will reduce the amount of steam that is produced and, therefore, will not increase humidityIt is best to take a shower with the door closed and to leave it closed when you leave the bathroom.

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4. Do not store wet clothes inside your house

This is one of the mistakes that facilitate the growth of mold and bacteria inside the home because in addition to attracting humidity, it prevents clothes from drying properly and leaves an unpleasant odor that is difficult to eliminate.

5. Use salt to remove moisture

Salt is one of the elements with greater absorption capacity. You just need to put a little salt in a container and after one or two days it will have absorbed a large part of the moisture. The moment you notice that it is wet or even has a black color, you should wash the container and change the salt.

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6. Be careful with water leaks

Yes there are Water leaks in places that are not visible, this will be reflected on the walls and little by little they will begin to stain. You must keep in mind that if you do not fix these leaks immediately, the situation could worsen to the point of causing flooding.

7. Be careful when cooking

When you cook, try to use the extractor hood and always cover the pots to prevent steam from expanding and staying in the environment.

8. Use white vinegar

You can spray this product on the humidity stains (whether walls, tiles, etc.) and let it act for at least half an hour. Then rinse the surface and dry it well. Repeat the process for several days until the stain disappears.

Consequences and risks of humidity in the house

In addition to being harmful to people who suffer from respiratory problems, it can cause different problems in your home, according to the Center for Disaster Prevention and Control in the United States an indoor humidity percentage that exceeds 40% or 60% is considered high, which would cause:

  • Mites
  • Bad smell
  • Bacteria and fungi
  • Mold on walls and corners
  • Deterioration of furniture, electronic devices, among others.

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#remove #moisture #house #Quick #easy #tricks
2024-08-04 00:07:25



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