How to relax, what to do and where to go in Yekaterinburg on July 8, 9, 10, 2022. Events in Yekaterinburg |

Where: Start from 8 Marta Street, 21

When: July 8 at 20:00

What is the price: participation is free registration required

Age limit: 12+

The Design Development Center at Plotinka will host a festival of craftsmen for five days. The program includes a fair, master classes, creativity, entertainment and products from farmers.

At the fair, you can see and buy unique handicrafts made of leather, metal, wood, stone, ceramics and textiles. Masters prepare them in a single copy and bring them specially for the festival. The gastrozone will feature handmade cheeses, oyster sauce, vegetable chips, dried berries and fruits, natural halva, honey from the apiary, cold-pressed oil, hand-made tea, printed gingerbread, etc.

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