How to reduce your energy bill?

2022-08-05 11:06:04

In 2019, the energy expenditure of French households amounted to 1,602 euros on average. They concern heating, hot water and the use of household appliances. Faced with this figure, the French are trying as best they can to reduce their energy bill, but they are still looking for other means. So, apart from renovation work, what are the other techniques to reduce your energy bill?

Find a complementary energy source

The French understand that if they want to reduce their energy bill, they must find alternatives to fossil fuels. Remember that the latter result from the exploitation of oil and coal. As polluting as they are expensive, they nevertheless constitute the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Fortunately, renewable energies are starting to take hold in French homes. As their name suggests, they operate using the sun, wind or air. They also offer you plenty of choice. When it comes to heating, you can, for example, opt for a wood stove or even a heat pump. These new devices generally run on natural gas.

However, it is also possible to reduce heating consumption by improving the thermal insulation of the house. In general, the work will mainly focus on the installation of insulation in the attic, where heat loss is greater.

On the lighting side, photovoltaic solar panels can replace electricity from oil or other fossil fuels. You just need to install them correctly. For this, do not hesitate to call on an expert, such asmorbihan solar panel company.

Use less energy-consuming devices

The best way to reduce your energy bill is to reduce energy consumption. To achieve this, first identify major expenditure items. According to ADEME, heating, hot water and household appliances consume the most.

When it comes to kitchen equipment, the refrigerator and freezer are in first place. They actually use more energy than necessary. The objective is therefore to reduce their consumption. To do this, avoid placing them near warm places. Also try to cut them off when you don’t need them. Otherwise, you can also replace them with other less energy-consuming devices. You will find many models (A+++ freezers) on the market.

Cold appliances are not the only ones to blame, the electric oven and hot water are also major energy consumers. If possible avoid using them regularly in order to reduce your energy bill. For example, you can use the microwave to defrost your food, instead of using your oven.

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When it comes to lighting, opt for lights that work with LED technology. They use less electricity than traditional models. Otherwise, lamps powered by solar panels are also excellent alternatives. For example, you can install them outside, where the sun is in full swing.

As for other appliances or equipment, find out about their consumption. If they expend a lot of energy, avoid using them frequently. It is also possible to replace them with other less energy-consuming devices, at least if you have the means.

The right actions to adopt

Simple but practical actions can help you easily reduce your energy bill. Starting, for example, with the desire to save money. For example, you can reduce the use of the dishwasher by only using it when it is full. Also, don’t hesitate to let your food defrost naturally instead of using the microwave or electric oven. You can do the same with your hair. Try to air dry them to avoid using the hairdryer.

You are also called upon to avoid waste by avoiding, for example:

  • Put your electrical or electronic devices on standby. Don’t forget to unplug your charger or the television;
  • Turn on the light in an empty room or at night. If possible, also try to replace your halogen lamps with LEDs;
  • Regularly use the bathtub which consumes liters of water. Prefer it to a shower which uses less water and heat.

There are other good habits, both ecological and economical, that you should adopt. Take the case of recycling used water for the garden, etc.

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