how to reduce the cardiovascular risks associated with the use of venous sclerosants?


  • Chronic venous insufficiency affects between 11 and 24% of the population in industrialized countries. It affects three women for one man.
  • Sclerosing products, more precisely two drugs (Aetoxisclerol and Fibrovein), are associated with risks of venous thromboembolic events and cardiac arrhythmias.

Compression stockings, venotonics, laser, phlebectomy … Several methods are used to treat and relieve pain associated with varicose veins. Among the treatments against this abnormal dilation of a vein, there are also sclerosing products. On January 3, the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) recalled that the use of these medicines is not without risks. Cases of serious cardiovascular side effects with venous sclerosants have been reported to the health authority.

Two drugs in particular are singled out by the ANSM. These are Aetoxisclerol and Fibrovein, used to prevent worsening of varicose veins and chronic venous disease. “These treatments are closely monitored because of the risks of venous thromboembolic events and cardiac arrhythmias associated with them and which in some very rare cases can lead to death”, can we read in his press release.

What are the contraindications?

The health authority has reported that these two drugs are not recommended for patients with cardiac anomalies of the patent foramen ovale (FOP) type, patients with a history of thromboembolic episode, those suffering from arterial occlusive disease or uncontrolled systemic conditions (type 1 diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma, etc.). The intake of these two venous sclerosants is also contraindicated in cases of acute infection, in people immobilized or bedridden and those who have undergone an operation for less than three months.

“The patient must be monitored during and in the minutes following administration. It is also recommended, given the cardiovascular risks, to have a defibrillator and to be trained in first aid procedures”, specified the ANSM.

Symptoms that should alert

The health authority stressed the need to consult your doctor urgently, after taking these treatments, in the event of:

  • Transient visual disturbance
  • Discomfort with loss of consciousness
  • Headache, migraine with or without aura
  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate), feeling of tightness in the chest, chest pain, shortness of breath
  • Cough, palpitations, uncomfortable and inconvenient breathing sensation
  • Tingling, tingling in the extremities of the hands and legs which may lead to paralysis
  • Calf pain associated or not with edema / redness
  • Speech disorders

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