How to Reduce Skin Pigmentation and Prevent Freckles: Tips and Home Remedies for Clear, Even-Toned Skin

2023-06-05 11:13:17

Do you notice freckles on your skin on your neckline, nose or legs? Their appearance is more frequent at the end of summer and you wonder how to prevent them? Excess melanin production can affect the pigmentation of your face and individual areas that you want to reduce the appearance of. But how to reduce skin pigmentation? Deavita’s editorial staff will answer questions, namely how to regulate hyperpigmentation due to the sun’s rays and the appearance of spots on the skin, how to normalize the appearance of freckles. Or how to reduce pigmentation after 50!

What is skin pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation can be regulated and controlled by various factors and is actually a consequence of melanin production. There are two types of melanin. The first is “true melanin,” known as eumelanins, which are dark brown in color and most commonly found in people with darker skin tones. It protects against ultraviolet rays.

The other is pheomelanin, which is most commonly found in lighter-skinned people. It does not protect against ultraviolet rays, which is common in their synthesis to generate free radicals. These are harmful to the skin. The natural color of the skin is determined by these two types of melanin.

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According to experts, the formation of these diseases is most often due to exposure to the sun. The explanation is that when melanin is in excess, spot formation is initiated. The other reason for their appearance can be related to hormonal problems, age or genetic predisposition. There are different methods to reduce skin pigmentation, with lightening products specially designed for this purpose, as well as exfoliating treatments.

There are chemical peel treatments which are well tolerated by the skin and which mainly promote the dissipation of the underlying melanin layer. Factors causing spots can form hyperpigmentation, which comes in different forms. How to treat hyperpigmentation of the skin naturally? Those that appear after a trauma, or what is called melasma, directly linked to hormonal problems. To determine the type or form you suffer from, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist who will determine your condition and the appropriate treatment.

how to prevent freckles before summer how to decrease pigmentation of dark skin clear white brown spots 50s face freckles care tips

The presence of freckles most often exists and forms in people with fair skin and blond or red hair. Freckles are small brown spots on the hands that multiply or enlarge especially after exposure to the sun.

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For good prevention and protection, we recommend using sunscreen with a high protection factor and avoiding exposure to the sun at midday, when the sun is at its hottest. Light skin needs more sun protection, dark skin naturally contains more melanin and is therefore less prone to spots.

What are the home remedies to reduce skin pigmentation?

home remedies how to prevent freckles before summer how to decrease pigmentation of dark skin clear white brown spots 50s face freckles

Apart from the various dermatological treatments that we have seen, it is also possible to use home remedies that help with this end. Our good familiar friend, the lemon, will give us a hand today and prove to us how useful he can be.

A mixture of lemon and honey has a whitening effect on the skin and the spots fade. Use 50 g of honey and 30 ml of lemon juice, mixing the two ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then gently apply to the skin of the affected areas using circular movements. Leave the mixture on your skin for about 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.

how to reduce pigmentation after 50 how to prevent freckles before summer how to decrease pigmentation in black skin clear white dark spots

Skin pigmentation intensifies with age, with the risk of hyperpigmentation increasing with age in people over 50. The sun is an important factor in the appearance of pigment spots due to the overproduction of melanin.

For example, solar lentigo affects a large percentage of people over 50 with whiter skin. This is why, dear readers, we advise you, in addition to using an anti-sun face cream when you are exposed to the sun, to use daily, morning and evening, creams with a high protection factor. .

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