How to recognize stress and strategies to stop it

say we are stressed today it is almost as frequent as being hungry at mealtime. According to the World Health Organization, stress can be defined as “a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.” However, It’s not always a negative since it is important to have a minimum of stress to be able to face the challenges and threats in our lives. The how we respond it is what makes the difference in our general well-being.

According to experts from sanitasThere are four different types of stress:

The physiological reactions that occur in our body to certain situations and that are defined as stress are actually normal, to a certain extent. A little stress and anxiety can help us face and overcome some difficult situations.

When stress occurs intensely for long periods of time, it is very likely to cause physical and psychological problems, becoming chronic and harmful stress that can lead to crying spells, depression, and various physical conditions.

It is one that occurs following a person has experienced some type of terrifying event, such as a traffic accident or a natural disaster. As a result of these traumas, the person often has terrifying thoughts related to the situation he experienced. This type of stress can occur in people of all ages, but children are particularly prone to it.

Work stress is called a set of harmful, emotional and physical reactions that occur when the demands in the workplace exceed the resources, abilities and/or needs of the worker. According to a study carried out by the WHO, 28% of European workers suffer from work stress, and 20% suffer from the syndrome called “burnout”.

How to control stress

CNN medical analyst Wear. Leana Win states that “the same human response that motivates us to work hard and finish a project can also generate other emotions, such as not being able to relax and becoming irritable and anxious” and adds: “Some people develop physical reactions, such as headaches, upset stomach, and trouble sleeping. He long term stress it can lead to anxiety and depression, and can worsen symptoms for people with pre-existing behavioral health problems, including substance use.”

As Dr. Wen explained, although stress is a natural human response, its accumulation can trigger other mental health conditions. The Southern New Hampshire Universityoffers strategies to avoid the negative impact it has on our health without lowering productivity.


  • Eating, sleeping and exercising: eat healthy Helps fight stress naturally.
    He physical exercise helps reduce blood pressure, and provides your body with hormones and neurotransmitters that make us feel good.
  • Sleep an adequate amount of hours and increasing the quality of sleep has a great effect on stress.
  • Apply relaxation techniques: It is important that you find the most suitable relaxation technique according to your lifestyle.
  • spend time in nature: Nature has soothing sounds and increased oxygen availability.
  • Be aware of your feelings: If you feel overloaded, take a break and look at everything you have in your life. You must prioritize and see what things can wait.



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