how to recognize and treat it in children and adults?

With Dr. Emmanuel Mahé, dermatologist-venerologist

What is nail psoriasis?

Psoriasis refers to a skin disease characterized by chronic inflammation linked to a runaway of certain cells of the immune system. This results in an accumulation of cells, forming plaques, themselves covered with scales.

Rarer, nail psoriasis affects 35-50% of patients with psoriasis, according to France Psoriasis. The Resopso site, a national network of dermatologists wishing to improve the management of psoriasis, mentions a prevalence of 16 to 68%. While not everyone with psoriasis has a nail form of the disease, the majority of them will suffer from it someday in their lives.

About 1/3 of children with psoriasis are affected, according to a French study, cited by Dr. Mahé. Nail psoriasis is sometimes transient and minimalso it can go unnoticed or be confused with another disease.

Thimble, hole, or subungual hyperkeratosis

The nail affected by psoriasis takes on a particular and unusual appearance. There are two major types of lesions depending on their location….

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