How to Recognize and Get Rid of Psocids, the Book Lice: Tips and Natural Treatments

2023-11-15 17:09:10

The psocus, also called “book louse”, is a small insect fond of books and organic substances that is found in many interiors. How to recognize it? Is it dangerous ?

Even if one hardly suspects its presence, the psoque is a tiny insect that takes over many interiors. A big fan of books but also of plant substances such as mold or mushrooms, the psocus remains a pest to be eradicated to prevent it from proliferating.

Recognizing book lice

This tiny insect, barely visible to the naked eye, is yellow or translucent in color, measures between 1 and 2 mm and has long antennae. As microscopic as it is, it is more easily spotted on dark elements on which it will appear in the form of small moving white dots. The psocid moves in a jerky manner and although this species can live both indoors and outdoors, it finds refuge in hot and humid interiors conducive to its development.

So check your bathroom, kitchen and cellar and areas where there is condensation. Above all, look for their traces in libraries, in books or any other space where papers are stored. Without getting into the insects themselves, if you find small insects or traces of droppings in your books, papers or stored documents, it is possible that you have psocids. Note that book lice molt as they grow, so you can also find their skin.

Why do I have them at home?

If your interior is humid, psocids will be tempted to take up residence there, because they are particularly fond of organic substances such as mold or plant fibers.

Wallpapers are also on the menu for the psoque, especially in freshly wallpapered homes, but its favorite food remains the books neatly installed in your library!

Is it dangerous?

Psocids are neither dangerous for you or your interior but they can cause small damage to your books or clothes. Indeed, by delighting in the glue and paper of books, the psoque can alter the quality of the works he is going to tackle. He can also make small holes in your clothes by being attracted to the keratin contained in hair and nails. However, psocus can cause allergies in the most sensitive subjects.

Natural treatments against psocids

Do you suspect the presence of psocids in your home and are you looking for natural treatments to get rid of them? Here are effective solutions that do not require any chemicals:

Vacuum regularly in every corner of your home and clean surfaces likely to be infested with hot, soapy water.
Ventilate your interior daily to remove humidity.
Use a dehumidifier in the most humid rooms.
Place drops of eucalyptus, lavender or peppermint essential oils in strategic places (plinths, bookcases, cupboards, etc.) to prevent psocids.
Have the diatomaceous earth around infested areas.

If despite all your efforts the presence of psocids persists, do not hesitate to equip yourself with natural insecticide products available in organic stores,

#good #library #installed #home

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