How to protect the health of children in daycare

A common concern among parents of children are the diseases typically disseminated in the school environment, such as viruses, flu, colds, among others. These health problems tend to be so frequent among children under three years old that they have even earned a nickname: the “daycare syndrome”.

It affects children who are going to school for the first time and, until then, were not exposed to the greater circulation of viruses and bacteria. “It is absolutely normal and expected that younger children get sick during this early period at school, as their immune system is still immature and developing. These episodes are uncomfortable for parents and students, but they help in the development of immunity”, explains pediatrician Kesianne Marinho.

And as children’s health is always a priority, the pediatrician separated a series of tips that can help parents maintain healthier habits for their little ones. Check out:

Keeping an eye on food

For babies already in school, breastfeeding is a powerful weapon once morest disease. “If the baby is no longer fed breast milk and is already on an established diet, the tip is to promote varied meals rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals,” says Kesianne.

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