How to prepare green juice? Recipe, benefits and what diseases it prevents

How to prepare green juice? Recipe, benefits and what diseases it prevents

He green juice It is an ideal option to obtain the nutrients that we need daily. This drink is prepared by combining fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, kiwi, celery, apple, cucumber, pear, among others.

They are easy to make and only take a couple of minutes in the kitchen. However, one of the reasons why they have increased in popularity is the effectiveness they have in prevent diseasesHere we tell you what the benefits of green juice and how to prepare it.

What is the purpose of drinking green juice?

Los ingredients that carries the green juice are the secret to its many benefits. There are those who prefer to combine them with other types of foods that do not fall into this category, such as ginger root or chia seeds.

How to prepare green juice? Recipe, benefits and what diseases it prevents

This union makes the drink rich in chlorophyll, component of greatest presence in green leafy vegetables. According to the Quaker portal, this compound helps detoxify the body, which allows to reduce toxins and harmful substances in the body, at the same time strengthen the immune system.

Another benefit of green juice is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Ingredients such as spinach control the blood pressure and reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack, strokes o angina pectoris, details the medical magazine Tua Saúde.

In addition, various studies have shown that dark green vegetables prevent cancerThese foods contain phytonutrients that, according to the journal of the School of Public Health of Mexico, constitute a possible defense against the disease.

In addition, green juice promotes long-term digestionThis is useful if you have any intestinal conditions, for example, constipation, bloating and gas.

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Remember that juice intake does not replace your meals. It is important eat a balanced diet to take advantage of its nutrients and maintain the health of the body.

How to prepare green juice?

Below, we leave you a recipe to prepare green juice and all the ingredients you need.

  • 1 cucumber.
  • 1 green apple.
  • 1 celery branch.
  • 135 g of pineapple.
  • 1 lemon.
  • 65 g of spinach leaves.
  • 350 ml of natural water


  • Wash the cucumber, apple, celery, lemon and spinach properly.
  • Cut the apple and cucumber into small pieces.
  • Peel the celery stalk and remove the strings. Then cut it into small pieces.
  • Cut the pineapple into small cubes.
  • Place the apple, cucumber, celery and pineapple pieces in the blender.
  • Squeeze the lemon into the blender and pour in a little water.
  • If you want a sweeter touch, you can replace the natural water with coconut water.
  • Drink your juice without straining it.

We recommend you buy fresh ingredients and drink the juice immediately. Important: it is not recommended to consume this type of drink daily, as it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

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2024-09-23 17:12:40



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