how to prepare a homemade shampoo with coffee to eliminate them

For some people, gray hair is a sign of experience, or maturity. And although today, they remain in trend, there are those who want to hide those gray and white hair, although for most it is a difficult problem to treat.

For many years, the traditional way to hide them was to lighten the hair almost blonde, however, this technique tends to damage the hair and is known not to suit everyone.

Generally, they appear over the years, but sometimes they are born prematurely, thanks to different factors such as stress, the environment, chemicals, or genetic issues. However, it is more common in people over 30 years of age, but on some occasions, they usually occur earlier.

Scientists from Harvard University indicate that, by subjecting the body to stressful situations, the number of melanocyte stem cells decreases rapidly, causing the hair fibers to turn white.

Gray hair is more common in people over 30 years of age, but on some occasions, they usually occur earlier. – Foto: Getty Images

A study published in Nature Communications revealed that there is a gene related to graying hair. This gene, also known as IRF4, is involved in the regulation of melanin production and storage.

For this reason, several generations of a family have premature gray hair, even if they eat well and have no health problems.

Causes of premature gray hair:

lack of vitamins:

  • Low levels of B vitamins and D3 can decrease the body’s production of melanin. Melanin is responsible for giving hair pigmentation.
  • Experts indicate that its appearance is a sign that there is a deficiency in vitamin B12, vitamin D3, folic acid, iron and zinc.
  • To stabilize these nutrient levels, it is necessary to include lean meats, green leaves, avocado, nuts, fresh fruits, whole grains, seeds and dark chocolate in the diet.



  • This condition can be seen in the skin when it gradually depigments, and also in the hair in the form of gray hair at a young age.
  • In these cases, what happens inside the dermal and capillary cells is that the melanocytes become discolored over time.
  • Research published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology states that it is possible to stop the process through a treatment that involves the topical application of a compound, activated with UVB light.


  • A study published in Nature Communications revealed that there is a gene related to graying hair.
  • This gene, also known as IRF4, is involved in the regulation of melanin production and storage.
  • That explains why several generations of a family have premature gray hair, even if they eat well and have no health problems.

Home remedies to darken gray hair

coffee shampoo


  • 1 cup of instant coffee.
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder.
  • Baby shampoo (or the one you use regularly).


  • Mix the ground coffee with the cinnamon in a glass container
  • Grind until fine powder.
  • Add the shampoo and mix very well.
  • Pour the mixture into the bottle.
  • And ready, there is a shampoo for when necessary.

Black tea

  • Needed: black tea and water.
  • Boil two tablespoons of tea in water and let it cool.
  • Then apply it on the hair.
  • Wash followingwards with cold water.


  • You need: tea and four tablespoons of rosemary per half liter of water,
  • Prepare the tea and then massage your scalp with it for ten minutes.
  • Later, wash with cold water.

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