How to open a tight jar without forcing?

A lid that is too tight can quickly annoy you… especially when you are in a hurry! If you are one of those who have plenty of jars in their kitchen, it is advisable to use this popular method and open your jars from now on… without forcing too much!

You will find many jar openers on store shelves to help you solve the problem. However, if you don’t have one on hand and the stubborn lid won’t come off, use tried-and-true homemade methods that won’t require you to strain.

Open a tight jar – Source: spm

Open a tight jar with boiling water

One of the most popular tricks for opening a suction cup lid is to force it open. All you need is a dull knife, fork or other hard but thin object at hand. How to do ? gently place it in the space between the glass and the lid then lift it until you hear a “hiss”. However, you will have to be careful not to damage the jar, because it will not be reusable afterwards. Alternatively, you can also tap the lid several times against a counter, the floor or the kitchen table.

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If you want to be sure not to damage the jar when you open it, use boiling water. This is a very popular (and we recommend) way to unlock the lids. How to do it? Nothing could be simpler: place the pot upside down in a pan of hot water then wait a few minutes, finally take it out, wipe it. It will then open very easily.

Put on rubber gloves

Put on rubber gloves – Source: spm

If the lid is still stubborn, there are other quick and easy ways to open it without forcing it.

  1. Use a wooden spoon

This is one of the simplest techniques, hold the pot with one hand and take the wooden spoon with the other. Use it to tap the bottom of the screw-on jar and the edges of the cap. After a few taps, the lid can finally be unscrewed.

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  1. Use rubber gloves

If your hands slip on the jar, you can use rubber gloves to open it. Then the grip will be much stronger and you can easily open the screw-top jar.

  1. Help yourself with an adhesive tape

You need gray tape to open the cap this way. Cut about 25cm of tape from the roll, stick one end to the lid and grab the other with your hand. Then hold the pot and pull lightly. The lid should open immediately.

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