How to make your business’s IT better

From internal comms to processing orders, contacting customers to paying invoices, nearly every business requires some form of IT to function. Not only that, but 85% of SMEs believe that technology aids success. Whether you’re looking to create a more automated process or you require a more streamlined way of working, there are ways an IT department can be improved to help the overall running of a business. 

Hire experts in particular fields

IT is ever-evolving, so hiring experts in different technological fields can be advantageous, especially if your business relies heavily on specialist equipment or perhaps an app is part of your business offering, then hiring coders and designers will also be beneficial. 

If you own one of the 665,495 start-ups in the UK that were established in 2019/2020, you may be working with a skeleton staff, in which case hiring an expert in IT as and when may be the best option.  

Log issues

We’ve all encountered IT issues at some point in our career, and creating a process that makes it easy for people to contact IT with issues is imperative. Staff productivity can be vastly affected by an issue with IT, which can have a knock-on effect on product delivery and, therefore, profits. 

Whether you have a dedicated email for IT issues or create a ticket system, make sure that all employees follow the same process. 

Update software

Software constantly needs updating, so make sure your IT department keeps on top of updates and security certificates. Cyber crimes are on the rise and it can potentially put SMEs out of business. Having an in-house cyber security certificate can also put your customer’s mind at ease that their bank details are secure when they choose your service. 

Keep data safe

With hybrid-working becoming the norm, it’s important that you provide your team with the tools to keep data safe. Installing a UK VPN on their devices can help protect them while they’re online and ultimately help protect your business by encrypting their online activity. 

Continue to improve

IT has come a long way in a short time, and our reliance on technology for both business and leisure is only increasing. Once you have an IT department set up and running, it’s important that they continue to look for ways to improve and invest in hardware and software that will help your business grow too. 



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