How to make love without ejaculating quickly?

There are a thousand and one ways to make love to your partner without ejaculating quickly. Therefore, ask him these various steps to make love. Also, you can consult a doctor for pharmaceutical products or for natural products. In this brief, learn the tricks without ejaculating quickly.

Change sex position

You should know that when you practice lovemaking, you can take a few minutes or a few seconds to stabilize your libido by changing your sexual position. For more information, discover this site. When you generally start making love with foreplay, you can already start to feel your libido rising. This phenomenon explains why you first notice a white liquid before your semen.

To successfully change positions, you can kiss your sexual partner to take a break. Moreover, you can finger her or suck her. With these tricks, you ask him to change your sexual position knowing that your goal is to reduce the increase in your libido rate.

Use of pharmaceuticals

Several pharmaceuticals lead to the inhibition of your ejaculation during sexual intercourse. When you have such a problem, consult a doctor in order to give you a prescription issued by the latter. This might be a guarantee of the products that you will consume to limit your ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Use of natural products

When you are a responsible and conscious man, it is obvious that you are not going to consult a doctor just to satisfy your wife at the risk of tarnishing your reputation. Indeed, there are more foods whose virtues you don’t know and which might help you make love for several hours. These are natural fruits and foods such as:

  • The egg;
  • Gingers;
  • Garlic;
  • Watermelons;
  • Brazilian cocoa.

Here are some of the main foods and fruits that might help you inhibit your libido for a period of time during sexual intercourse.

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