How to make a White Nun step by step

We are just a few days away from the start of the national holidays in Guatemala. In the framework of this date, many students and teachers need to make crafts related to the national symbols, the White Nun being one of them.

According to data from the National Forest Institute (Inab), The White Nun belongs to the orchid familyIt is considered that there are more than 1 thousand species of this type of flowers in our country, which we can find in different ecosystems.

It is commonly known as the White Nun because the center of the flower emulates the image of a praying nun. The National Flower can be found in Las Verapaces, Zacapa, Izabal, Huehuetenango, Chimaltenango, Suchitepéquez, Petén and Guatemala.

According to Inab, we can also find this type of orchid in southern Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador.

A brief history of the White Nun

The White Nun (Lycaste virginal white) was declared National Flower in 1934, according to the Government Agreement dated February 21 of that yearThis occurred during the mandate of Jorge Ubico Castañeda.

Regarding the historical context of this signature, the Guatemalan historian Fernando Urquizu mentions that this declaration was made within the framework of a series of actions by the government of that time aimed at strengthening the country’s tourism sector and revaluing the pre-Hispanic culture of Guatemala.

According to the professional, other relevant events that occurred in this historical framework were the restoration of the Tikal Archaeological Site, the creation of modern buildings in various parts of the country, the launch of the book Las bellas artes en Guatemala, by Víctor Miguel Díaz, among others.

How to make a White Nun step by step?

If you want to make a two-dimensional White Nun, you just need to print or draw the outline of the National Flower on a blank sheet of paper and fill it with common materials. However, if you want to make a more attractive craft, we share these steps to make it:


  • White and green foam sheets
  • Silicone
  • Swabs or wire
  • Silicone
  • White sheets and crayons


  1. Make three long white petals out of white foam, approximately 25 centimeters long so that the flower looks big.
  2. Shape the foam using the heat of an electric iron carefully. For a few moments, stick the material to the iron and while it is hot, mold the petals so that they take a curved shape. If this craft is to be made by a child or teenager, it must have adult supervision.
  3. Cut several long sheets of green foam. You can glue two sheets together to make them stronger and put some wire or cotton swabs in between them to hold them together.
  4. Now, glue the petals with silicone.
  5. Glue the leaves behind the petals.
  6. The main feature of the White Nun is that in the center it looks like a praying nun, so you can trace that drawing on a sheet of paper, paint it yellow, cut it out and stick it to the center of the flower. We share a reference video to get a better result.

#White #Nun #step #step



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