How to know the Tax Identification Number (NIT) – 2024-08-06 23:39:45

This tax identification can be requested in individual namethat is, by a Guatemalan with the capacity to exercise rights and enter into obligations. It may also be requested at a legal levelor, that is, by an entity created by one or more persons to fulfill a social objective, whether for profit or not-for-profit.

He Tax identification number assigned to each person must be used for the following procedures:

  • Request a tax solvency certificate.
  • Register with the SAT as an expert accountant or auditor.
  • Among other procedures.

It is important to note that obtaining the NIT does not require being registered in a specific tax regime, salvo what, As indicated by Erick Echeverría, SAT’s tax collection managerthe purpose is start a commercial, labor, mercantile or income activity that involves the allocation of a specific tax.

How to check the NIT with the DPI

If you have forgotten the identification number of the NIT previously assigned, you can figure out using the Unique Identification Code (WHICH) found on the Personal Identification Document (DPI). The process to verify it is as follows:

  • Search the tax services section
  • Click on CUI/NIT query virtual agency.
  • Enter the CUI number and perform the search.

The system will show you the identification data associated with that CUI number, including the name, NIT number, address and date of issue.

The SAT system allows you to search for the Tax Identification Number (NIT) using the CUI (Unique Identification Code). (Photo: Prensa Libre).

How to request the creation of NIT

It should be noted that to apply for it, it is not necessary to have an account in the Virtual Agency, and it does not entail an immediate tax obligation, although this may vary depending on the purpose of the application.

To request an identification number, it is required to follow these steps:

  • Find the “I want to be a contributor” section.
  • Click on “Request NIT”.
  • Follow the steps indicated by the system.

When you start the application, you have a period of 30 days to complete it; otherwise, the process will be cancelled. To avoid any inconveniences during the process, it is important to have a valid email address.

He The procedure can be carried out at any time or when the need arises.However, the administrative body recommends doing so in advance to have everything ready when requested.

How to download or print the NIT

For download the card, It is necessary to have an account in the SAT Virtual Agency and have the updated Single Tax Registry (RTU). If these requirements are met, the steps to follow to print or download the card are:

  • Enter the menu and click on Taxpayer Services.
  • Click on the RTU certificate: you only need to download it to your computer to have a digital copy or print it physically. At the end of the document is the Tax Identification Number (NIT) card.

#Tax #Identification #Number #NIT



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