How to keep fit as you age!

There are certain nutrients that are important in a diet following 60, as older people often have associated deficiencies. In addition, the nutritional needs of women and men differ as they age. The changes in activity levels might also reduce the need for kilojoules with aging, which would make possible dietary changes worthwhile. Reduced nutrient intake also requires focusing on specific meals to maintain heart, bone, and muscle health. If you are also striving for a healthy lifestyle as you age, here are some nutritional tips.

How can you stay fit following 60 with a healthy diet?

Whether you’re in your 60s or past that age, both portion sizes and specific nutritional needs can play an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Certain problems with the cardiovascular system are not uncommon in such age groups, which makes a balanced diet from the age of 60 the key to warding off diseases. Additionally, making regular daily exercise a priority can be of tremendous importance.


Time spent in the gym or exercising at home can also help reduce the effects of certain health conditions like sarcopenia with strength training. Regular walks and swimming may also prove to be beneficial low-impact activities for promoting cardiovascular health. However, if you want to focus on nutrition following the age of 60, there are numerous options available to you that can be used to suppress chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes or high blood pressure. Above all, it is important to ensure that you eat enough foods with different nutritional profiles. Otherwise, you can follow the advice outlined below to help you stay fit as you age.

Consider differences in nutritional needs by gender


Depending on the aging process and gender, the need for certain nutrients can vary. So it might be a good idea to add some healthy-looking foods and drinks to the daily menu. Contrasted with the nutritional needs of adolescence, one needs more or fewer nutrients from certain food sources. In addition, this might also vary in different genders. The diet for women over 60 might also differ from that for men, since the aging processes affect both sexes differently.


However, such dietary changes in old age can be difficult to achieve for those who already have poor eating habits. Therefore, it is advisable to be aware of your own specific dietary needs. It’s best to adjust your food choices to cover your specific nutrient deficiencies. It might also be helpful to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to minimize any potential risks. This is also important if you are taking medication and need to combine it with the appropriate diet following 60.

Which portion sizes are suitable for the diet over 60 for both sexes?


As men age, men generally require more energy than women through increased intake of calories or kilojoules per day. The reason for this is that males tend to have a larger physique and, accordingly, a higher proportion of muscles. In addition, the daily amount of energy required depends on age, size and activity level. However, older people mostly tend to lose muscle mass quickly, which makes reducing kilojoules just as important. However, this does not apply to nutritional requirements, since carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber and hydration are required in equal or greater proportions.


A good example of this is calcium, which is essential for tooth and bone health as we age. For this reason, extra servings of low-fat dairy products like yogurt and cheese might be a beneficial part of a healthy diet for both sexes following age 60. There are also other sources of calcium like salmon and sardines, and leafy greens like spinach and kale to add to your 60+ diet to make healthy recipes. The increased consumption of nuts and seeds such as almonds and sesame seeds can also cover the daily requirement of calcium in old age. So, using the chart above, try to consume enough food from all 5 food groups each day. You can also find the recommended number of servings of each food group for an average serving size.

Recommended amounts of food for the elderly


It is therefore important to pay attention to the portion size at every meal if you want to counteract the aging process in this way. As for the five food groups, aim for the following amounts and portion sizes on a daily basis:

  • meals with Vegetables – The standard portion is regarding 75 grams (100-350 kilojoules). For example, this might be ½ cup of cooked green or orange vegetables and ½ cup of tomatoes, peas or lentils.
  • consumption of Fruit – Here, the standard portion is 150 grams (350 kilojoules). For example, add a medium-sized apple, a banana or two kiwis, or other small fruits such as plums to your daily menu. Avoid juices and focus more on consuming fresh fruit.
  • baked goods and whole grain products Consume – In this case it is important to limit yourself to 500 kilojoules. Eat no more than one slice of bread or 1/2 cup of cooked porridge at a meal, with at least two-thirds whole grains.
  • protein sources For Diet Over 60 – Favor lean meats and poultry, as well as fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds and legumes in your diet. Stick to between 500 and 600 kilojoules by eating, for example, 65 grams of cooked lean red meat or two large eggs.
  • protein and fat sources Dairy – Again, the rule of thumb is to limit yourself to 500-600 kilojoules, which you can do with 1 cup of milk or ¾ cup of yogurt per meal.

Prevent frequent vitamin deficiencies with a balanced diet from the age of 60


With the portion sizes described above, you can also prevent possible vitamin deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamin D or vitamin B, or B6. However, it may not always be easy to meet your vitamin and mineral needs as you eat less as you age. So try to stick to the following amounts throughout the day:

  • Vitamin B2, B6 and D – Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is found in dairy products and fortified cereals, as well as in bread. The recommended food intake increases following the age of 60 and is from 1.3 to 1.6 mg per day for men aged 50-70. For women aged 50 to 70, this is 1.1 to 1.3 mg per day.
  • Vitamin B6 – This includes whole grains, meat, vegetables and fruit, with men aged 51 and over needing 1.7 mg per day and women aged 51 and over needing 1.5 mg per day.
  • Vitamin D – Older people usually need double the amount of vitamin D. Since such deficiencies are difficult to cover with diet or supplements, it is advisable to spend more time in the sun.


You should try to spread out your protein intake throughout the day. This enables your body to absorb protein better. In addition, you can try consuming the protein portion of your meal first. Here are some examples of protein boosts you can try:

  • For breakfast, you can add yogurt and milk to muesli, or try eggs, fish, lean cuts of meat, and cheese on toast.
  • Your lunch can be cheese or ham, but you can also have canned tuna or sardines or a glass of milk and a smoothie with bananas.
  • For dinner, you can pair lean meats like chicken, fish or eggs with vegetables like broccoli, or try cauliflower with melted cheese.
  • For dessert, you can serve ice cream, yogurt or pudding with fruit.

More tips on nutrition following 60

use-frozen-vegetables-fresh-in-the-kitchen-and-cook-with-spaghetti-brussels sprouts

  • For example, if you suffer from arthritis, fish oil can help relieve symptoms. Also, try to eat fish at least twice a week or talk to your doctor regarding taking supplements.
  • In order to be able to boost your metabolism as you get older, you should also consume more fiber from fruit and vegetables. However, these are plentiful in the foods and meals described above.
  • Also, be sure to drink enough fluids to prevent constipation. A rule of thumb for older people is 6-8 cups of fluids per day.
  • Maintain your dental health by having your teeth or dentures checked regularly. This ensures that you can continue to eat a varied diet.
  • When it comes to alcohol consumption, healthy men and women over the age of 60 should have no more than 10 drinks per week.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight by adding 60+ omega-3s from avocados, olive oil, or other healthy fat sources to your diet.
  • Minimize salt intake from high-sodium food sources, such as processed meats and snack foods, to help prevent the risk of high blood pressure.
  • You should also keep the sugar intake within limits so that you do not cause any problems with your teeth, heart or obesity.



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