How to Increase Brown Fat for Weight Loss and Health: Exercise, Stress Management, and Diet Tips

2023-11-26 04:03:00

I’ve only thought regarding losing fat, but I’ve never thought regarding making it.

How can we create the brown fat needed to get rid of bad fat?


As a result of research by Dr. Bruce Spiegelman’s research team at Harvard Medical School, when muscles are stimulated through exercise, muscle cells secrete a hormone called irisin into the bloodstream, stimulating white fat, and this white fat acts like brown fat.

So, the more irisin is produced, the more white fat plays the role of brown fat, keeping our bodies healthy.

In order to produce more irisin, it is said that low-intensity strength training is more effective than high-intensity strength training. In particular, it is said that continuing strength training for the lower body, which accounts for 50% of the muscles in the entire body, is of great help.

There are many light exercises that can be easily done around you without using special equipment, such as squats (pictured above), bicycle riding, walking, and climbing stairs, so if you do them regularly, you can fully enjoy the effects of brown fat. .

◆Live happily

Stress is the main cause of white fat activation. When you are stressed, white fat produces hormones, and these hormones are said to interfere with the action of insulin and cause diabetes and high blood pressure.

Conversely, it is said that meditation or half-body bathing produces hormones that activate beige fat, such as serotonin, which has a positive effect on our body.

Stress is the same even when eating. Most people feel stressed when they eat while dieting. This stress, which we repeatedly and naturally experience, is activating white fat.

When you eat a delicious and enjoyable meal, a hormone called orexin is secreted in the brain, and orexin is known to help produce brown fat.

In other words, it is helpful to enjoy meals with a happy mind rather than stressing regarding dieting.

◆Food intake

There are ways to increase brown fat with food.

Representative foods include apples, green tea, and salmon.

Ursolic acid in apple peels plays a role in increasing the amount of brown fat.

Additionally, omega-3 in salmon activates brown fat and helps burn fat.

Green tea contains catechins. It can effectively help with dieting by activating brown fat and preventing fat accumulation.

In addition, the capsaicin contained in peppers and the ‘L-cartinine’ contained in lean meat are said to help activate brown fat, so if you pay a little attention when eating food, you can enjoy it while burning fat.

◆Low temperature

It is said that cold causes white fat to act like brown fat. One study found that brown fat energy expenditure and calorie burning increased by 30 to 40 percent at 19 degrees Celsius indoors. This is because energy consumption and calorie burning occur in the body to maintain body temperature due to cold external temperatures. It is said that brown fat plays a role in maintaining body temperature.

Therefore, it is said that if you live in a slightly cool environment, the mitochondria in brown fat will develop actively and white fat will be removed more quickly than if you live in a warm environment.

We think that exercise is more effective because we stay in our rooms because it’s cold in the winter and sweat more in the summer, but in fact, the results show that exercising in the winter can be more effective.

When you think of diet, the first thing that comes to mind is fat! From some point on, we have been waging a ‘war once morest fat.’ Therefore, we recognize that fat is unconditionally bad and are sparing no effort to eliminate it.

However, as we learned earlier, fat is also necessary for our body, and if managed well, good fats can help you have a healthier diet.

Hanwha Solutions Blogger

Reporter Hwang Gye-sik [email protected]

ⓒ Eyes to see the world, Segye Ilbo

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