How to have more green in apartments | OMAN

Project: Beatriz Quinelato | Photos: Rafael Renzo / Disclosure

When we choose an apartment to live in instead of a house, many issues are taken into account. One of the main issues for those who like a lot of green, like me, is the lack of a proper garden in the case of high floors, and with that the uncertainty of being able to create plants.

But do not worry: It is possible to have more green in closed spaces! I want to show you some tips I’ve gathered on how to get more plants indoors, tips I myself sought when I moved into an apartment.

What are the best species for apartments?

Going straight to the point, if you want beautiful plants that are easy to care for, they are: Lance of São Jorge, Mini Cactus, Jiboia, Pacová, Zamioculca. With these species, you don’t need a high incidence of sun in the environment, they adapt well and there is no need for a lot of water.

If you have a bright room, you can bet on species such as Ficus lyrata and Raphis excelsa. This is a tip I loved when I recorded Beatriz Quinelato’s Open House. In the full video you can better understand the particularities of these plants, since Ester, in addition to being an architect, has also worked with landscaping throughout her career.

For a little more color, begonias won’t let you down. They adapt perfectly to apartments and make beautiful flowers. As they reach a maximum height of 30 centimeters, they are ideal for compact rooms, not requiring direct sunlight.

Where is the best place to grow my plants in an apartment?

Preferably where there is sun. But that doesn’t mean that if your apartment doesn’t have a lot of direct light, it won’t be a good home for your plants. As I showed in the previous topic, some species adapt very well to low-light environments. But it’s important to remember that plants need light to survive! So look for an environment that is lit, even if it doesn’t receive direct light.

In bathrooms, opt for species that like a little moisture, such as Camedórea and the fortune plant (Zamioculca). As for environments with air conditioning, a good species is Jiboia or Pacová, a little more resistant.

Which vases to use and what to do for my little plants to live better?

The most recommended vessel for indoor environments is ceramic. In addition to avoiding excessive moisture, it also allows and facilitates the breathing of the roots.

Other precautions involve the periodic fertilization of the plants, the analysis of the best place to place them (more or less illuminated), understanding if the chosen species likes more or less water and always being attentive to trim diseased leaves and prevent growth. excessive.

Other than that, it takes a lot of love and patience to have more green in your apartment. But believe me: it’s worth it. The environment is much more beautiful and pleasant to live in!

If you want to go deeper into the subject, I recommend looking for tips from Benedito Abbud on Youtube and Instagram. There, he receives a landscape architect every week to talk about the subject. It is worth checking! Around here, an incredible project by Beatriz Quinelato with a beautiful vertical garden, a great solution for those with a balcony.

This is content made by Casa de Valentina with the support of OMA, which in our opinion is the best company to take care of your property ????

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