2023-06-03 08:47:36
Admire the flowerbeds, walk barefoot in the fresh grass, enjoy a siesta or lunch in the shade of an old tree, nibble on the ripe fruits of your orchard or even breathe in the scents emanating from the groves … Having outdoor spaces is a source of many small pleasures!
However, in order to fully enjoy them over the months and that they retain all their beauty, it is essential to regularly carry out small gardening tasks, which can prove to be tedious, painful and time-consuming.
The solution is then to call on a landscape gardener, who will put his know-how and talent at your service without costing you a fortune thanks to a dedicated tax credit. We explain to you the specificities and conditions required to be entitled to it.
Eligible works
As part of personal services, you can ask a professional to take care of the maintenance of your lawn, by mowing it, scarifying the lawn and weeding it.
You can also load it with your work of trimming hedges, trees, shrubs, roses, fruit trees and climbing plants as well as brush clearing.
Phytosanitary treatments and applications of fertilizers or amendments are also covered by the tax credit, as well as the maintenance of beds, the manual watering of plants (excluding maintenance of watering systems), picking up leaves, digging, hoeing, scratching and small manual uprooting of plants.
The service of removing the waste caused during this routine gardening work (clippings, branches) is included in this activity.
If you have a vegetable garden or fruit trees, the picking of fruits and vegetables can be included, provided of course that they are intended for your personal consumption and not for sale.
Finally, be aware that the maintenance of swimming pools and their surroundings (excluding technical maintenance) and snow removal are also part of the work eligible for the tax credit.
Services excluded
In general, only small gardening jobs, in other words, those that concern the regular upkeep of a garden or a vegetable patch that already exists at the main or secondary residence of the beneficiary, fall within the scope of eligible personal services. to the tax credit.
You cannot therefore take advantage of this tax rebate to redevelop your outdoor spaces from top to bottom, design and build a landscaped park or carry out earthworks.
Commercial activities, such as the sale of plants, seeds or materials (tools, accessories, pots) are also prohibited. Considered an exceptional task, pruning cannot be taken into account either.
Finally, only private gardens are concerned, agricultural or forestry work will therefore also be excluded.
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