2023-10-11 06:06:07
It’s difficult, in fact, to protect them with all these harmful habits. Do you dream of having longer, flawless nails? Quickly follow our advice and our 100% natural remedies with regenerating and moisturizing properties.
How to take care of your nails?
Make no mistake, although they often feel hard to the touch, nails are sensitive and fragile. All it takes is mishandling them a little or not maintaining them regularly for their health to suffer. Just like your skin or hair, you absolutely must establish a ritual to protect your nails from breakage and various attacks, in order to keep them healthy and naturally beautiful.
Here are some tips to follow to take care of your nails:
Nail hygiene
Yes, you may not think regarding it, but it is important to file your nails regularly. Obviously, having gorgeous long nails looks so much sexier and more attractive on a manicure. But, as you have probably already experienced several times, a significant length runs the risk of breakage at any time. And, it’s not funny at all! Not only is it not aesthetically pleasing, but it is sometimes painful and can even lead to annoying infections. For this reason, never skip this essential step: if you want to keep your nails healthy, file them frequently to an appropriate length, so that they can become more resistant to limit breakage.
Balanced diet
As with almost every aspect of our body, diet plays an unsuspected role in nail care. Indeed, certain nutrients can help strengthen their structure to make them more robust and healthier. We therefore invite you to increase your consumption of foods rich in calcium (milk, sardines, spinach, beans, raisins, almonds, thyme, etc.). Also stock up on fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants… and, of course, drink plenty of water daily to boost hydration.
Protect your nails
A small gesture to adopt at home? Wear gloves when doing household chores. This may seem superfluous to you, but you will see, it will have an impact on your nails. Indeed, constant exposure to chemicals (contained in detergents and other household hygiene products) is one of the main causes of weakening of nails (and hands in general!). A bad habit to change now!
3 homemade recipes to have longer nails
Like it or not, certain daily activities, even the most mundane, can cause your nails to break. Whether it’s putting on your pants, cutting food in the kitchen or tinkering with something at home. Which, of course, hinders nail growth. To prevent this from happening too often, it is necessary to opt for some effective solutions to help them strengthen themselves. This is good, we are going to offer you grandmother’s tips to make your nails grow faster, but also to make them stronger and more resistant to various attacks.
Cider vinegar and garlic
We grant you, the marriage of the two ingredients is quite surprising, but this recipe is effective in providing deep hydration and stimulating the growth of your nails. As a bonus, it is very simple to make at home.
- 3 spoons of cider vinegar
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil
Preparation :
- Press the garlic cloves by crushing them (just cutting them will not have the same effect!).
- Add the garlic to the cider vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes.
- Then, dip your nails in this mixture and let them bathe in this solution for 10 minutes.
- Then take the olive oil and spread it on your nails. Leave it on for an additional 15 minutes.
- After this time, wash your hands with clean water.
We recommend that you perform this treatment 2 to 3 times a week. Gradually, you will notice that your nails are getting stronger and growing faster.
Egg yolk
Full of nutrients, egg is known to accelerate nail growth. And this is thanks to proteins which promote the production of collagen, a strengthening nutrient.
- 1 egg yolk
- ½ tablespoon of olive oil
Preparation :
- Place the egg yolk in a container.
- Add the olive oil and mix the two ingredients well.
- Then apply this mixture to your nails and leave it on for 10 minutes.
Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a week. Guaranteed result!
It’s hard to imagine that tomatoes would have the power to make nails grow. And yet, once morest all odds, it is a remedy well known to our grandmothers. In fact, tomatoes contain a substance called “biotin,” which is responsible for stimulating hair and nail growth. A natural remedy to definitely try!
- 1 Tomato
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
Preparation :
- Cut the tomato into 4 pieces, then beat it in a blender with the olive oil until you obtain a paste.
- Then apply this paste on your nails and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.
Same principle, do this ritual 2 to 3 times a week. And you will be delighted to see that your nails are much stronger and less fragile.
Jus d’orange
Does this surprise you too? Yes, thanks to vitamin C and folic acid present in oranges, collagen production is further stimulated. So it is a really beneficial remedy to accelerate nail growth.
- 1 orange
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
Preparation :
- Squeeze the orange into a glass.
- Add the olive oil and gently mix the two ingredients.
- Then, soak your nails in this mixture and leave them like that for 10 minutes.
A home remedy to also repeat 2 or 3 times a week. And following a while, your nails will look longer and less brittle.
Why aren’t my nails growing?
Hard to imagine, but a poor diet can be responsible for the lack of growth of your nails. If they are often brittle, it is probably a sign of a lack of iron, protein and zinc. It can also come from excess sugar or vitamin A.
How long does it take for nails to grow?
Although it is imperceptible to your eyes, your nails continue to grow every day. And besides, fingernails generally grow faster than toenails.
Concretely, we are talking regarding an average of 3 mm per month. But, of course, how quickly they grow depends on their state of health. Hydration, balanced diet and appropriate care are the watchwords to promote faster growth. If you follow these three rules correctly, following 15 days your nails might grow regarding 1.25 to 1.75 mm.
What should I do to make my nails grow faster?
Here are some tips to grow your nails quickly:
Dry your hands properly
It seems trivial, but it is one of the essential steps that we must not deviate from, but which we often neglect. Why is this so important? Quite simply because water tends to deteriorate the cuticle and cause infections to appear. The ideal would therefore be to devote the necessary time to drying so that your hands and nails are completely dry.
Cut your nails straight
Know that a straight cut is the shape that best protects your nails. Concretely, you must try to obtain a right angle, because if you cut the corners, you risk having ingrown toenails. The idea above all is to avoid bending the nail when cutting it, you risk attacking it and damaging it.
You should also avoid anything that is iron or metallic. Thick grain files should be avoided.
Avoid metal files
Yes, all iron files or files that are too thick can be harmful to your nails. The healthiest option would be to use cardboard or glass files. And, during the operation, file from the sides towards the center continuously and using gentle movements.
Moisturize your nails
Normally, during his ritual, your beautician never forgets the hydration phase. But, maybe at home you don’t think regarding it systematically. However, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream to your hands, as often as possible, to keep your nails well hydrated. Proceed by making a circular massage on each finger, making sure that the cream completely penetrates the nail and is well absorbed.
Keep your nails clean
It goes without saying, but it is crucial to remove the dirt that accumulates under the nails daily with a specific brush. Be careful, never use sharp objects, as there is a risk of injury.
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