2023-12-26 11:50:45
Are you from the “mother or father of planta“? If so, we have good news: your apartment garden can grow even bigger. In addition to a vegetable garden, vertical garden and beloved species such as lyrata fig or spotted begoniayour balcony can, yes, have fruit trees in pots!
It all depends on the entry of sunlight and air circulation in the environment. If the space has a good incidence of both, it is the ideal place to place your fruit tree.
“Fruit trees planted on the street will produce more fruit than yoursthey have more sun, more land and much longer lifespan, but yours is next to your lunch table, so celebrate it in the same way”, warns the landscaper João Queiroz.
How much space do I need for fruit trees?
Regarding the required footage, the professional explains that it depends on the size of the chosen species. “Even bonsai produce fruit without problems, it is more a question of the need for light and air circulation than a need for space”, he explains.
However, the size of the pot can be a great ally in preventing your tree from growing too much. “It grows upward as much as it can grow downward. So, if you want to enlarge the plant, you have to enlarge the pot”, he explains.
“More important than the fertilizer is the condition. Right sun and right watering, for example.”
João Queiroz, landscaper
Fruit tree species for pots
Among the easiest species to cultivate, João Queiroz indicates the pitanga, blackberry, guava e lemon.
Caring for your fruit trees
Keep watering regular but moderate. It’s worth doing the finger test to check if it’s time to give the plant more water. Regarding pruning, in general, autumn is a good time to do it.
“And in times of waning moon so that the plant loses less strength”, says the landscaper.
He also says that applying Bordeaux mixture (a product produced to control diseases) on open wounds helps the species to remain healthy.
Finally, another constant concern of “plant parents” is regarding fertilization.
“It is important, yes, but more important than the fertilizer is the condition. Right sun and right watering, for example. In pots where the amount of soil is small, one fertilization per year is more than enough”, concludes the professional.
Now just choose your favorite fruit and enjoy growing!
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