How to get rid of cat urine smell in your home? 8 Tips from Grandma

2024-08-01 09:19:20

Reasons for strong-smelling cat urine

You may have wondered why your cat’s urine has a strong smell. Here are some reasons:

Your cat is a feline species that uses the scent of its urine to mark its territory, indicate its presence to fellow cats, and provide information about its sexual status. The food you provide contains the nutrients and amino acids he certainly needs, but helps eliminate unnecessary waste from his body. They are excreted in the urine, giving the latter a strong unpleasant odor.

Therefore, it is important to eliminate and neutralize cat urine odor so that your home always smells clean.

8 Tips to Get Rid of Cat Urine Odor

“Getting rid of cat urine odor is difficult and a real challenge,” says cleaning expert Danièle Odin. Arm yourself with patience and you can make it happen! Here are our picks of the best tips for getting rid of odors.

baking soda

Use baking soda to remove cat urine odor. Source: SPM

Among the many benefits of baking soda, we find that it has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors. Why not take advantage of this to solve your cat urine odor problem? If your child urinates on furniture or any other item that is not machine washable, here are what you need to do:

Sprinkle baking soda over problem areas, let it work for an hour, vacuum or sweep, and repeat if necessary.

This white powder is a great helper for cleaning your house and is a natural deodorizer that you should keep with you to eliminate bad odors.

white vinegar and water

Use white vinegar to remove cat urine odor. Source: SPM

If your cat pees on the carpet, this method may come in handy to save the situation.

Make a homemade anti-urine odor solution by mixing one part vinegar to three parts water. Gently apply the mixture to the stain with a damp cloth. If the odor persists, blot it dry and repeat.

enzyme cleaner

Sold in supermarkets and specialty stores, this product breaks down urea and other chemical elements in pet urine to eliminate unpleasant odors. This type of cleaner is proven to be effective as it can even prevent your cat from detecting its own urine, thus reducing the risk of it marking its territory again.

Please note: Do not use detergents or other products at the same time as enzyme cleaners. The combination of the two can inactivate the enzyme and render it ineffective.

Dish soap and sparkling mineral water

Use dish soap and mineral water to remove the smell of cat urine. Source: SPM

Here’s another home remedy to get rid of cat urine smell in your carpets!

First, mix water with a few drops of detergent, then soak the area affected by urine with the mixture, let the solution act for an hour or two, then gently blot it dry, rinse again with tap water and a sponge, soak the area with sparkling mineral water and left to dry overnight.


Alcohol can clean and disinfect smooth surfaces.

Spray it on the area to be treated, let it work for some time, and wash the area with a small amount of water.

Abrasion-resistant fabrics can also be treated with alcohol before laundering.


Mouthwash is also a good option for eliminating cat urine odor.

Mix two equal parts mouthwash and water and apply a few drops to the urine stain.

soap and coffee powder

What if we try ground coffee method ? Coffee is known to absorb unpleasant odors from dark surfaces and clothing.

Start by cleaning the affected area with a bit of soap and apply a thick layer of ground coffee. Once the area is dry, carefully sweep the coffee away or vacuum it.

citrus fruits

this citrus flavor Eliminates cat urine odor. Use lemon and orange oil or peel to remove odors. You can even predict when something is going to happen by putting a citrus scent in the areas where your cat usually urinates. He doesn’t really like the smells, so he won’t pee in them.

good to know

“Whether you buy a pet-specific cleaning product or choose a home remedy, always remember to do a small test on a hidden area of ​​the surface you want to clean (carpets, rugs, sofas, curtains, etc.). » Recommendations » Daniel Odin. “This will Prevents you from accidentally staining or changing the color of your fabric »

Things to note when cleaning up cat urine

The following points should be noted when disposing of cat urine smell. We can collect a wealth of information about livestock behavior and health.

Health issues: Any changes in your cat’s urinary habits can give you important clues about his health. Therefore, monitor your kitten and pay attention to its behavior. If he does something unusual, like peeing outside the litter box, it could be an underlying health issue, such as urinary problems, bladder inflammation, kidney stones, etc. Make a prompt appointment with your veterinarian and perform an appropriate examination to rule out concerns and treat your cat’s condition before it worsens.
Age-related complications: Cats 10 years or older may suffer from feline dementia or cognitive impairment. This can lead to unusual behavior, such as peeing outside the litter box. Consult your veterinarian to evaluate the problem and find solutions to better manage your pet.
Garbage problem: Your cat may not like its litter box. Make sure to always keep it clean and choose the best products for it. To do this, switch up regularly and try different types until you find one he likes. If you have multiple cats, make sure each cat has its own litter box to avoid urine marking the territory.
pressure: Your cat may also start peeing when she’s stressed. This often happens when his circumstances change. Has your family recently expanded with the arrival of a baby? Have you adopted a new pet? Cats are very sensitive to change, and any change, even a small change in the house, will disturb it. If you can’t maintain a stable routine and avoid stress, help him adjust to his new environment by giving him more attention and providing him with snacks.


What smells can stop cats from urinating?

Cats hate certain smells, especially those of citrus fruits. some mustard, vinegar and pepper. So if your cat pees in an inappropriate place, clean the area and apply one of these ingredients to prevent him from peeing there again.

How to remove cat urine smell from clothes?

If your cat accidentally pees on your favorite shirt, you have 3 options to get rid of its unpleasant urine smell.

Wash your clothes in the washing machine washing machine Use an enzyme cleaner and let air dry. Add 450 grams of baking soda to the laundry and make a machine. Start the machine using only 250ml of white vinegar (without detergent), then start a second cycle with the detergent of your choice.

Can you put bleach on cat urine?

No, mixing cat urine and bleach is a bad idea. The ammonia in pet urine can produce dangerous gases when it comes into contact with bleach. The latter also risks repairing the stain rather than removing it.

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