How to Get Rid of a Cold in One Day: A Complete 24-Hour Plan and Home Remedies for Colds

2024-01-04 13:45:00

Winter brings with it a wave of colds or flu infections. We would rather get rid of coughs, runny noses and sore throats sooner rather than later. But how do you make the symptoms disappear as quickly as possible? A British researcher has developed a plan that supposedly gets rid of the common cold in just one day. You can find out here how the plan works and what home remedies there are for the annoying symptoms.

In the video: Charlotte Karlinder’s tips against colds

Bad wave of colds in Germany

It’s cold season and a bad wave of colds is rolling over Germany. Runny noses and coughing colleagues are now part of everyday life. Over the last two years, we have learned how to protect ourselves from this by sneezing with our elbows and wearing a mask. You can also prevent it with various home remedies for your immune system. But what if our immune system, weakened by wet and cold, still can’t cope and we get sick? Sit it out and wait until it gets better? Patience is certainly part of it, but there are still a few home remedies that you can use to combat the flu-like infection.

But first it makes sense to understand how Course of a cold looks. Because in most cases it is the same. Starting with a sore throat, through a runny nose, headache and body aches, right up to the persistent cough at the end. With the following tips you can address exactly these symptoms and get rid of them quickly. And with it the annoying cold.

The typical course of a cold can last 9-14 days. © Stiftung Gesundheitwissen

Get Rid of a Cold in a Day: The 24 Hour Plan

That sounds strange at first, but the British researcher Robert Eccles claims to have found a method that can prevent the onset of a cold Within 24 hours can finish. With a clear schedule throughout the day, the body should be optimally supported in healing so that the cold doesn’t get serious in the first place.

For everyone who wants to try it out now, here is the schedule:

  • 7 o’clock: a hot shower. In addition to the soothing effect of a warm shower, the resulting steam loosens mucus from the nose and soothes irritated respiratory tracts. Here we explain what you should pay attention to when taking a hot bath.
  • 8 o’clock: a hearty breakfast. Oatmeal with lots of fruit is just the thing to provide you with important vitamins and nutrients.
  • 10 O `clock: Inhale and drink tea. Using this method, it is now time to inhale for the first time to calm the respiratory tract. Thyme tea with honey also has an antibacterial effect and is said to loosen mucus.
  • 12 o’clock: It’s time for a little walk. The fresh air supports your immune system when you get a cold and have mild symptoms. This also gets your circulation going a bit.
  • 13 o’clock: It’s time for the soothing chicken soup. Your immune system is then supplied with proteins and nutrients.
  • 3 p.m: Another thyme tea with honey is in order. You can also give yourself a vitamin C kick with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • 6 p.m.: Some fire for dinner. With a curry or chili con carne you consume chili, curry and garlic. Then add some vegetables and ginger and you have a perfect meal that has antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  • 9/10 p.m.: Bedtime. Getting enough sleep is essential when fighting a cold. So make sure that you rest on time and get a restful sleep.

However, this plan should only work if the cold has not yet broken out. Are you already in the middle of it? Then our other tips and home remedies will definitely help you.

Cold tip 1: Peace and quiet

Most people are probably familiar with this classic behavior when you have a cold. Nevertheless, it can’t be said often enough: If you have a really bad cold, give yourself rest, avoid stress and effort. This gives your body the opportunity to fight the cold viruses.

Failing to cure a cold properly and instead letting it drag on can lead to long-term secondary illnesses. These can then be much more unpleasant than a week-long cold. For example, bacteria could take advantage of the fact that the immune system cannot work properly due to prolonged stress. They find the gaps in the system and pave the way for other diseases:

  • Sinus inflammation
  • Bronchitis or even pneumonia
  • Inflammation of myocardium
  • Meningitis

Symptoms of this include severe headaches, chills, (high) fever, severe cough and chest pain. These are to be taken much more seriously than a simple infection. So the quickest way is: let work be work and go to bed.

Furthermore, you should sleep a lot. Our bodies regenerate best when we sleep and have even more power available to fight against intruders. In addition, the time we spend sleeping seems shorter, which is why you feel your cold is shorter when you sleep a lot.

Cold tip 2: Eat and drink

Be sure to take lots of them Vitamins, minerals and proteins to you in the form of fruits and vegetables. Those contained therein nutrient give you Kraft and give your immune system the tools to render the viruses harmless. It’s best to stick with easily digestible meals like soups.

chicken soup has always been considered one Miracle cure against cold. For many grandmas/grandpas, moms and dads, it is part of the care routine for a sick family member. And not without reason: the cooked chicken and vegetables contained in chicken soup have one anti-inflammatory effect. This also inhibits the white blood cells that are responsible for cold symptoms. The soup also gives you additional fluids, which is absolutely necessary when you have a cold.

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You can find a recipe for chicken soup like Grandma’s here

Drink as much as you can! Be it through still water or soothing herbal teas. You can sweeten the tea with a little honey – it has an antibacterial effect and relieves a sore throat. Drinking is so important because it means you are literally washing down bacteria and viruses in your mouth. In addition, the mucous membranes are moistened so that other viruses and bacteria cannot take hold.

A reason not only to drink tea regularly when you have a cold: you can also lose weight with tea and do something good for your skin, hair and psyche.

Cold tip 3: fresh air

Even though it may be cold and uncomfortable, Ventilate is a must if you have a flu-like infection. At least once in the morning and once in the evening it is worth opening the windows wide for a few minutes and replacing the stale air with fresh air. This will also make some of the ones floating around Viruses Immediately transported outside, where they can no longer prevent you from recovering. It’s best to wrap yourself up warmly and warmly during the ventilation period, or leave the room completely during this time. Then your immune system can continue working and doesn’t have to worry about freezing too.

If you have the strength and trust it, you can short walk work wonders in the fresh air. But it’s better to do this when you’re already on the mend and get enough rest afterwards. Too much effort can quickly destroy your progress with a relapse.

Also make sure that the humidity in your room preserved and the air doesn’t get too dry. This can be done very easily, for example by placing damp cloths or a small bowl of water on the heater. Cold viruses can no longer survive in the air for as long and die.

Cold tip 4: Relieve symptoms

In addition to the basic rules for fighting colds, such as rest and drinking plenty of fluids, you can also tackle the symptoms directly. Here are some things you can do:

  • Inhale
  • Take a cold bath
  • Gargle with a saline solution
  • Do a nasal rinse
  • Rub the chest

Inhale Helps with colds, especially against coughs and runny noses. The sinuses are moistened and thus better protected. If you add chamomile oil or do the whole thing with chamomile tea, the antibacterial and soothing effect is also added. For anyone trying this home remedy for the first time, here are a few instructions:

Boil at least half a liter of water (or chamomile tea) and place the water in a heatproof bowl. You place this on a straight table and bend your head over the steam. Make sure that the steam is not too hot – if this is the case, let the water cool down a little. Then you breathe deeply in and out over the steam. Through the mouth and as best as possible through the nose. To intensify the effect, you can place a towel over your head.
You can do the whole thing for up to ten minutes and repeat it two to three times a day.

At a Cold bath Relax and let the beneficial effects of the bath unfold. A great addition to other home remedies. Cold baths can be found in drugstores or pharmacies. But make sure that the water is not too hot. Especially when you have a fever, this puts your body under unnecessary stress and therefore helps less with recovery.

You can also combat the sore throat Lutschbonbons Gargling with a saline solution also helps. This helps with dry coughs and can loosen mucus in the throat. Added to this is the disinfecting and cleansing effect of salt. You give one to that half teaspoon of salt in a glass with warm water. You then gargle this solution, but then be sure to spit it out again. If you swallow the mixture, you can get really sick.

Nasal rinses or showers you can get it at the pharmacy. You rinse your nasal mucosa with salt water. This not only flushes mucus and secretions from the nose, but also removes pathogens, making your breathing and recovery easier.

Last but not least, if you have a cold, it is recommended to cover your chest (front and back) with one Cold balm to rub in. This particularly helps the bronchi to recover. This means you breathe in the essential oils and soothing substances contained in the balm, which in turn reach directly into the bronchi, where they can take effect. If you do this regularly (especially before falling asleep), your body will be optimally supported in getting your lungs fit again. On top of that, your pain or discomfort will be alleviated.

#rid #cold #quickly

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