How to get calcium without having to consume dairy products?

Food is an essential aspect for the human being, because, through food, the body obtains the nutrients it needs to function properly. For this reason, a balanced diet is important to supply the body with the vitamins and minerals it requires.

Specifically regarding calcium, the National Institute of Health of the United States (NIH, for its acronym in English) defines it as a mineral that the body needs to build and maintain strong bones, as well as to carry out important functions. Considering that the body is made up of 206 bones, calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.

Most of the calcium is stored in the bones and teeth, giving them structure and rigidity. A deficiency of this mineral, then, would negatively impact their health.

Human beings also need calcium for muscles to move and nerves to transmit messages from the brain to different parts of the body. In addition, calcium helps circulate blood through blood vessels throughout the body and release hormones needed for many body functions, the NIH notes.

Calcium requirements for humans depend on several factors, for example, age and sex. As for its sources, one of the most common and the first that usually comes to people’s minds corresponds to dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.

However, this is not the only source of calcium found in food. Some people prefer to go to other people. In fact, for those who are lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet, dairy products are no longer a desirable source of this mineral.

Other sources of calcium other than dairy

According to information from MedlinePlus, the US National Library of Medicine website, Calcium can also be found in some canned products, such as sardines and salmon with bones.

Likewise, this important mineral is present in kale, broccoli, turnips and Chinese cabbage, sources recommended for vegetarians or vegans. On the other hand, some beverages, such as fruit juices and milk substitutes, such as soy and almond beverages, are fortified with calcium. The same happens with some brands of tofu and cereals, in which case, it is convenient to review the nutritional table in each product and compare it with other presentations on the market.

MedlinePlus notes that some products such as bread, pasta and ready-to-eat cereals are also fortified with calcium, although they do not contain a significant amount of the mineral. Nevertheless, add a good contribution if consumed frequently.

Nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, tahini (tahina) are also a rich source of calcium.

Calcium can also be consumed from supplements on the market, however, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist before consuming them.

Osteoporosis: These are the vitamins and minerals that can help prevent it

As explained from the portal Mayo Clinic, Osteoporosis causes a weakness in the bones, which makes them more prone to injury, fracture or progressive deterioration. So much so, indicates the entity, that an apparently harmless action such as coughing can cause a bone to break.

Although all people are susceptible to this disease, it has been shown that women, especially during the period following menopause, are more likely to suffer from this condition.

As it is a complex condition to treat and diagnose at an early stage, professionals insist on prevention as the main method to avoid suffering the consequences of deteriorating bone health. This process, according to several experts, must begin in adulthood and involves changes in life patterns.

According to a research article published in the journal Hospital Nutrition, of the Spanish Nutrition Society, within the prevention plan it is crucial that people obtain the necessary micronutrients to not only stimulate the production of new bones, but also to combat the loss of bone density that is characteristic of aging and adulthood.

Going into detail, vitamin D is essential for the body. This compound facilitates the formation of bones because it contributes to the processing of calcium in the body. A specific quality of this nutrient is that it can be acquired through exposure to sunlight.

Additionally, the body requires calcium, a component whose main task is to stimulate bone mineralization, as well as maintain bone density. This can be obtained especially in dairy products, milk and fish meat.

But it does not act alone, other essential minerals are phosphorus, which stimulates the strength of the bone structure; magnesium, which promotes muscle contraction and forms bone, and zinc, according to some experts, including portal Healthline.

It is worth mentioning that carrying out periodic check-ups of the state of the bones is also essential to prevent the development of diseases that weaken them, especially when risk factors such as age, gender and basic health conditions are added. In no way does this article constitute professional medical advice.



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