How to get a voucher for new eyeglasses – 2024-07-10 08:53:41

Below you can find a useful guide on how to get a voucher from EOPYY for eyeglasses

EOPYY has simplified the process of obtaining a voucher for changing old eyeglasses. With simple steps you can register your application on an electronic platform and get a new voucher for eyeglasses.

After you have already received the online prescription from the eye doctor for the glasses and you have gone to the optical store to get your glasses, you will receive from the store the receipt for the cost of the glasses and a certificate. You will need these to submit the supporting documents online and receive the compensation from EOPYY.

Now submit the claim online to be reimbursed for the purchase of glasses, without having to go to a NHS unit.

Go to the EOPYY website –
Select “health insurance file”.

Enter taxisnet codes. Indirectly insured persons enter the platform with their own passwords unless they are minor protected members.

Enter your AMKA and press “Login”.

Select “Individual Benefit Requests”.

Select ‘Submit’.

Select “Claim Subject” : “optical” for compensation for eyeglasses.

Enter the “ZIP” postal code of your residence.

Enter in the “regards” field if it is an indirect or direct member and fill in the AMKA. Indirectly insured persons, following selecting “indirect member”, enter their own AMKA and the rest of their personal information will automatically appear. Only in the “beneficiary details” field do they enter those of the directly insured. For minor protected members do the same as for indirectly insured members.

In your contact information, enter your email account and mobile phone.

In the beneficiary details, fill in the details of the directly insured person and the IBAN bank account from which you wish to receive the compensation amount. In the “Requested amount” field, enter the exact amount of the document (receipt) given to you by the optical shop.

In the reference/opinion information you can see the available EKPY Benefit Opinions (“Available” table). Select the number that coincides with the one located just below the barcode on the EKPY benefits report, given to you by an ophthalmologist, and press the arrow to transfer it to the “Selected” table.

Upload by pressing “+” “scanned” the required supporting documents requested from you in .pdf format (receipt of payment, certificate from the optician’s shop, first page of the bank book or other document that certifies the IBAN number you entered).

You click on the square buttons that you undertake to keep the original supporting documents for 5 years and that under your own responsibility the details and supporting documents are true.

Press “submit request” and wait for the confirmation.
Attention – After submitting the request, write down the protocol number and the competent PEDY to contact in case something goes wrong and you do not receive the compensation. Processing time may exceed 2-3 months.

The insured person collects the amount of 100 euros into his bank account from EOPYY for the cost of buying glasses. More specifically:

The insured are given a pair of glasses or contact lenses to restore their visual acuity. Only one item is given to treat the eye condition, either glasses (every 4 years) or contact lenses (every 2 years). Glasses can be replaced every 4 years.

Replacement of contact lenses is possible every 2 years. Glasses and contact lenses are not provided at the same time. Children up to 12 years of age are given safety glasses (unbreakable) every 2 years. Glasses for the treatment of presbyopia are only granted to insured persons over 40 years of age, in the event that they have not issued another pair in the 4-year period to treat a different condition.

The amount of compensation for glasses is 100 euros (glasses and frame). The compensation amount for each contact lens is 25.00 Euro.



#voucher #eyeglasses



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