How to fall asleep quickly? | Health Magazine

2024-01-05 16:45:00

The hustle and bustle of everyday life and constant hyperconnection often make it difficult to fall asleep and disrupt our nights. Sleep disorders are also one of the most insidious and widespread scourges of our time. How, then, can we counter the accumulation of fatigue stress to quickly get back to sleep? We take stock with Armelle Rancillac, neuroscience researcher at Inserm and the Collège de France & Dr Marie-Françoise Vecchierini, neuropsychiatrist specializing in sleep pathologies.

Reminder: why do we have trouble getting to sleep?

Several factors can cause difficulty falling asleep:

stressful and anxious thoughts which limit relaxation;irregular sleep schedules which can disrupt the natural sleep cycle;use of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets or computers that interfere with the production of melatonin, a sleep-regulating hormone;health issuessuch as restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea;environmental factors (a room that is too noisy, too bright, too heated or too humid);too heavy a mealthe consumption of theine, caffeine or other stimulants at the end of the day; time zone changes ;etc.

Get settled in good conditions to easily find sleep

To fall asleep quickly, it is essential to create an environment conducive to sleep :

Equip yourself a comfortable mattress and pillows and adapted to your preferred sleeping position.Choose comfortable and breathable sheets that you change regularly. Also opt for comfortable sleepwear that do not restrict movement. Maintain a cool temperature in your room, ideally between 16 and 19°Celsius. If necessary, cover yourself more or use two blankets. Also remember to ventilate your room and maintain a humidity level between 40 and 70%.Gradually reduce the brightness in the evening to indicate to your body that it is time to prepare for sleep and favor warm lights. Once in bed, make sure you are in complete darkness.Limit noise sources as much as possible and don’t hesitate to use earplugs or play white noise to minimize noise pollution.Avoid disturbing or distracting smells and diffuse soothing essential oils if needed.

No, music does not help you fall asleep quickly!

As indicated in our article dedicated to the issue, listening to music before sleeping can help us relax. But falling asleep to music can be counterproductive ! Indeed, variations in volume, rhythm or even stopping the music disrupt our night, especially since the first phase of our sleep is very light. Also forget the radio or television. “ When we go to bed, it’s to sleep in peace », insists Dr Vecchierini. In other words, avoid working or watching TV in bed. The latter all be associated with rest.

Clear your head and let go to sleep

To fall asleep in a few minutes, you still need to be able to interrupt the flow of your thoughts! “We must arrive at cut yourself off from all external solicitations say awakening”, confirms Armelle Rancillac. For this, you still need to be able to divert the attention of your brain. To do this:

Adopt a good bedtime routine: practice relaxing activitiessuch as reading, writing, meditation or even yoga to signal to your body that it is time to prepare for sleep.Avoid screens at least an hour before bed. Because ? “The blue light emitted by phone, tablet or computer screens can disrupt the production of melatonin,” recalls Armelle Rancillac.Direct your attention to your breathing : Take slow, deep breaths while focusing on the air moving in and out of your lungs.Develop your body awareness : review each part of your body, starting with the feet and working up to the head (progressive muscle relaxation exercises). If you identify tension, imagine that it disappears with each exhalation. If thoughts invade your mind, do not dwell on them: visualize them as clouds passing through the sky and let them move away slowly. Bring your concentration back to your breathing. Before sleeping, think regarding positive moments in your day or things you are grateful for.Imagine a peaceful place, close your eyes and immerse yourself in it (guided visualization)! If necessary, see a black screen in front of your eyes. With each exhalation, imagine this screen getting darker and darker. Imagine that all thoughts dissolve into this darkness.Repeat calming mantras to yourselfwhenever your mind starts to wander and take deep breaths at the same time.

We all have our favorite technique! Whatever it is, it is essential to practice it regularly to condition your body and mind. Furthermore, on a daily basis: go to bed at a regular time, expose yourself to daylight, play sports (not too late in the day), favor a balanced diet et avoid stimulants at the end of the day.

Self-hypnosis, the little-known tip to induce sleep

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis can indeed be used to induce a state of deep relaxation and facilitate falling asleep. She allows to cut yourself off from the outside world to better surrender to sleep. It acts not only on external stimuli, but also on stress and anxiety. Via suggestion, it can also help to modify automatisms and negative thoughts which cause insomnia. Ultimately, this makes it possible, for example, to reduce the dose of sleeping pills or anxiolytics before bed.

Concretely, lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, light off. Take 10 slow inhales and exhales. Focus on each of your limbs, their weight, their temperature. When the urge to close your eyes comes, resist a little and then let yourself go. Depending on your preferences, you can then:

imagine yourself in a calm and dark place in which you are used to falling asleep: – visualize what you like to see there, hear there, feel there… imagine a sun setting and the details of the place from which you observe it. With each new color, the hypnosis is deeper. You can also go in a loop, use the image of the paddle wheel of a mill which turns and carries the water and which slows down little by little. It quickly becomes hypnotizing.

The 4-7-8 method, a very effective breathing technique for sleeping quickly

The 4-7-8 method is none other than a breathing technique from yoga which allowsincrease the amount of oxygen in the blood and of slow down the heart rate. It can be used to shift our attention to our breath and fall straight into sleep or to relax during stressful times. In practice,

place your tongue behind your incisors; exhale the air present in your lungs;inhale slowly through your nose for 4 seconds;hold your breath for 7 seconds.exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.

Repeat this cycle three times at the beginning, then gradually increase the number of cycles over time, until you drift off to sleep. The key to success is perseverance!

Brain tapping, the ideal exercise to fall asleep without even realizing it

Less and less confidential, brain tapping is an emotional release technique which combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine, kinesiology and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is undoubtedly one of the most effective methods for falling asleep without even realizing it: it combines the physical stimulation of certain acupuncture points with the verbalization of positive thoughts.

Concretely: lie down in bed, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Then realize regarding ten light taps per area : at the top of the head, between the eyebrows, temples, under the eyes or nose, lips, chin, collarbones, chest, arms or even wrists.

At the same time, take a deep breath and begin guided meditation : Use scripts or audio recordings that help you focus on positive thoughts. Repeat to yourself, for example: “I free myself”, “I am relaxed”, “I stop worrying”, “I love myself”, “I am ready to sleep”…

In any case, there is no no magic way to fall asleep in five minutes tops. Above all, you must be in good spirits and be in the right sleep window, concludes Armelle Rancillac. Don’t hesitate to try several methods to find the one that suits you best!

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