2024-01-23 15:16:00
Young foreign let them search emigrate and specialize in Spain through the realization of a masterthey must have received a degree in their country of origin and have the corresponding college degreein accordance with Royal Decree 822/2021.
The Spanish authorities mention that, specifically, students from South American countries choose them because “the quality of teaching” y “the advantage that knowledge of the language gives”. Generally, prior to entering the House of Higher Studies that has been chosen, a check is carried out to verify that the level of studies that the applicant has acquired in his or her native place is equivalent to the degree knowledge that he or she will study in Spain.
At an international level, the European nation is an important destination in terms of its educational offer due to the wide network of prestigious universities that it has in its territory.
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In some cases, if the degree is outside the European Higher Education Area, there is the possibility of accessing an official master’s degree in Spain without needing prior homologation, however, the procedure can be complex.
What are the 4 requirements to study a master’s degree in Spain?
1- Student visa: It is an authorization from the competent authority that allows applicants to temporarily reside in the country. In turn, if the duration of the stay on the soil of the European country exceeds six months, the processing of a foreign student card will be mandatory. The credential must be required within one month of arrival in Spain
2- Have a university degree from your country of origin
3- Approval of previous studies: It consists of the regime of equivalence between the contents acquired in the graduates’ place of origin and the knowledge that they will study in the master’s degree selected to perfect their training.
4- Taking a knowledge test: Students may be asked to take a ‘knowledge test’ prior to admission to the Higher Studies House of their choice.
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Each university tends to apply its own criteria to allow registration. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the study plan of each one. Since they indicate the procedures and individual requirements of each institution.

Which 4 Latin American countries are exempt from the student visa?
Applicants from Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Peruare exempt from needing a student visa, as long as they carry out studies in Spain that have an extension of less than three months.
On November 7, 2022, the update and modernization of the requirements and procedures for applications for homologation and equivalence of University degreesthrough the Royal Decree 889/2022 approved by the Council of Ministers of Spain. With the aim of facilitating employability for professionals interested in emigrating.
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The Spanish Ministry of Universities is the body in charge of validating higher education teachings from foreign training systems, to be legally exercised in the European nation. The certification from the country of origin must have an extension of at least 4 academic years, which is what is required for degrees awarded by Spanish institutions.

University degree, what are the differences between homologation and equivalence?
“The homologation by one foreign title A Spanish one can be carried out once a cycle of teaching in foreign universities or higher education centers has been completed. This means that the title foreign It is officially recognized as equivalent to a Spanish degree in academic and labor terms in Spain,” explained from the Madrid legal firm, Isacura Asociados.
Procedures for Argentine professionals who emigrate to Spain: homologation of the university degree
The equivalence of a university degree implies that the acquisition of knowledge previously completed in the territory from which it comes is recognized directly without the need to take the studies already completed once more. This means that equality of level and content of learning in this Argentine case with Spanish instruction is admitted.
The substantial difference is that the subjects or subjects already approved will be counted as equivalent, even without having completed the entire academic course.
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