How to effectively clean and maintain your door handles?

We touch it all day long: the door handles are often put to the test. Whatever their finish, they all need careful maintenance. That said, there is no need to use harsh or toxic products to preserve their beautiful appearance. Just open your refrigerator, you have everything you need for that!

Like smartphones, keys or switches, door handles are among the objects that we touch with our hands regularly. It is therefore no coincidence that they become a nest for bacteria, microbes and viruses. We must therefore take our precautions in terms of hygiene and cleanliness and take care of certain objects and surfaces in our homes such as… door handles. So let’s explore the possibilities!

The door handles are not alike. In flat or round shapes, in metal, steel or brass, they bring a decorative touch to your interior. But how to preserve their former glory? Accuracy.
We rub the handles with a lemon!

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A lemon cut in half and a whole lemon. Source: spm

Did you know ? Lemon is a versatile product that goes well with door handle materials. Thanks to its cleaning, disinfecting and stain-removing power, this citrus fruit is very effective in removing dirt and encrustations in depth.

  1. Start by cutting a lemon in half.
  2. We rub the handle with half the lemon.
  3. A clean, damp sponge will suffice to rinse the cleaned area.
  4. Then wipe with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Nickel!

For very dirty door handles, our instructions are as follows:

  1. Mix in a bowl 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda, so as to form a paste.
  2. Then cover the handle with a thin layer of dough and leave to rest for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. With a clean, damp cloth, rinse the entire area to be cleaned.

There you go, your door handle is like new once more! Do not hesitate to repeat this operation several times a month.

To regain their full shine, door handles need to be pampered regularly. Of course, the use of natural products such as lemon juice or baking soda is recommended. But that’s not the only option you have. You can also test unusual products to complete your daily cleaning.

We clean the chrome door handle with diet Coca Cola

glass of coca cola

Glass of Coca cola. Source: spm

Cleaning chrome door handles can be tricky. To prolong their lifespan, some people adopt the Coca-Cola cleaning technique. This soft drink contains citric acid which dissolves traces of rust and eliminates stains in depth. Prefer the sugar-free version to facilitate rinsing.

Are you ready ? We follow the steps:

  1. We soak a cloth with a good amount of the drink and gently rub all the dirty and grimy areas.
  2. Then rinse the handle with another damp cloth to bring it shine!

We take out the tube of Ketchup!

No, Ketchup is much more than a simple complement for your hamburgers, paninis or fries. Thanks to its acidity and high vinegar content, this sauce is able to dissolve dirt and traces of grease on your door handles. Strange isn’t it? but damn effective… Here’s how to do it.

  1. A thin layer of sauce is applied to the brass handle.
  2. Let stand 5 minutes then, using a clean, damp cloth, rinse!

And There you go ! Your door handle is clean and sparkling.

We test the trio: salt, flour and vinegar!

Bowl of flour and bottle of vinegar

Bowl of flour and bottle of vinegar. Source: spm

Another technique for cleaning door handles is to use: salt, flour and vinegar. Salt is known for its disinfectant power while flour removes stubborn stains. Added to this are the multiple properties of white vinegar. All you will need is:

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  1. 1 tablespoon of salt
  2. 1 tablespoon of flour
  3. 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
  4. 2 soft cloths
  5. Filtered hot water

Gather all the ingredients and let’s get started!

  1. Mix everything in a bowl.
  2. With the resulting paste we rub a blow on the door handle.
  3. We wait a few minutes and wipe the paste with a soft cloth.
  4. Using clean, lukewarm water, rinse the door handles.

Have you noticed how clean and sparkling it is! Don’t hesitate to test them and leave us comments… It’s up to you…

Read also: The clever housewife’s trick for cleaning a refrigerator: you won’t be able to do without it

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