How to do self-massage for constipation?

2023-07-11 06:00:39

Properly performing a self-massage once morest constipation can become a very effective measure to remedy this situation.

Last update : July 11, 2023

Self-massage for constipation is a very old technique that is resurfacing today. Indeed, constipation affects nearly 27% of the population. In addition, pharmacological measures, such as laxatives or enemas, can have undesirable effects.

This type of massage aims to stimulate bowel mobility. In this way, the feces are propelled throughout their journey to the outside.

However, when self-massage for constipation, it is important to know how to go regarding it. We explain it to you below.

What is self-massage for constipation?

Before explaining what self-massage for constipation consists of, it is useful to know what the definition of this situation is as such. Constipation can be occasional or chronic. The first is short-lived and is associated with changes in diet, stress, medication we take, etc.

On the contrary, chronic constipation occurs when the situation persists over time, for more than three months. There are certain criteria, called the Rome criteriawhich briefly define chronic constipation as follows:

Presence of hard stools in 25% of defecations. Sensation of incomplete evacuation or obstruction in 25% of defecation attempts. Need to push hard to expel feces.

Therefore, in chronic constipation, laxatives or enemas lose their effectiveness. In addition, they can cause side effects.

This is why it is essential to seek alternative measures to these conventional treatments. One of them is self-massage.

Also read: Tasty menus to relieve constipation

How is self-massage for constipation performed?

Self-massage for constipation is a technique used since ancient times. Therefore, there are different types and ways to do it. A German study found that the most effective was the classic, followed by a Mayr Kur type .

The objective of this procedure is to facilitate peristaltic movement. That is, a series of contractions that occur in the digestive tract to expel the contents. So here are the steps to follow.

Preparation for self-massage for constipation

Before starting, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. In addition, the ideal is that two hours have passed since the last meal. You should have some idea of ​​how the intestines are located in the abdomen. In order to focus your attention on the normal transit of feces.

Find a comfortable place where you can lie on your back with your legs stretched out. You can use a bed or a sofa.

Try to make it a quiet and pleasant place, so you can focus on the process. The self-massage will last a maximum of 25 minutes.

The massage begins

You need to focus on your breathing. Try inhaling deeply, involving the abdomen in the process. Do not breathe only with the rib cage. Next, place your hands on the abdomen, gently stroking the skin.

Later, the pressure of the hands on the abdomen begins to increase. The idea is that you draw a circle with your hands clockwise. Perform this movement slowly, as many times as necessary.

Other types of self-massage

Instead of drawing continuous circles, you can try applying pressure at different points. First, place your hand at the top right and draw a horizontal line to the left. Then, press on the upper left part of the abdomen and then descend to the corresponding iliac fossa. In this way, you will also stimulate the different sections of the colon (large intestine).

Additional Tips for Preventing Constipation

Self-massage is a safe technique, which generally has no adverse effects and which can be practiced as many times as necessary. However, it should be borne in mind that it should not be practiced in pregnant women or when there is abdominal pain.

The ideal is to always consult a doctor in a situation like this. Knowing the cause of constipation helps guide treatment. In addition, the pathology depends to a large extent on other factors, such as diet or exercise.

To defecate properly, you must have good habits. Eating consistently at the same times and having a bathroom routine can help.

Meals should consist of fiber-rich foods. Similarly, try to reduce ultra-processed foods.

Drinking enough water during the day is another fundamental aspect. It is recommended to consume between 1.5 and 2 liters per day. If it is very difficult for you to comply, you can try with infusions.

Finally, we must not forget that exercise is one of the most influential factors. When we walk or run, we activate the intestinal transit. Moreover, keeping your abdominal muscles strong can help you have a better bowel movement.

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