How to defeat the Yellow Wind King in Black Myth: Wukong and his rewards

How to defeat the Yellow Wind King in Black Myth: Wukong and his rewards

We teach you how to easily defeat the Yellow Wind King, one of the main bosses of the second chapter of Black Myth: Wukong and its final rewards

In this Black Myth Wukong Guide, we will show you how to defeat one of the many bosses in the game, specifically the King of the Yellow Wind. You will encounter him in a large sandstorm after passing through the Wind Seal Gate or in the Temple Basement. We provide several tips to help you defeat him and obtain the final rewards.

How to defeat the Yellow Wind King

You will confront the formidable final boss of chapter 2, a significant challenge, highly durable, lethal, and equipped with a variety of attacks. One of the main difficulties is the sand, as its particles can hinder your visibility.

  • The best advice we can give you is to always keep the boss locked on. While this is generally advisable, he can sometimes exit the combat area, and there are attacks where he will disappear and reappear, breaking the lock-on. Occasionally, you may have limited visibility in the arena, which can make things more complicated.
  • His most dangerous attack is a kick, followed by a brief cinematic where he impales us into the ground, steps on us, and throws us, essentially resulting in a strong loss of health. Be cautious to avoid getting caught in this grip, as it can leave you in extremely poor condition.
Be very careful with this boss's kick.

Be very careful with this boss’s kick.

  • He has simple combos with his 3 to 4 hit spear, which often ends with a small jump and he thrusts the spear into the ground. This causes a series of spears to erupt from the ground forward. Simply dodge to the sides to avoid them. In fact, if you are positioned underneath him and circling around, it’s quite easy to evade.
  • Between his attacks, he may jump at you while spinning with his spear, repeating the attack two to three times. When he lands, you can exchange a couple of blows.
  • The rest of the fight revolves around maximizing the use of our magic and hitting after his combos. We have included a sample video for your reference.


After defeating this boss, you will receive the following rewards:

  • Will x1944
  • Seda x5
  • Refined Iron Sand x1
  • Nucleo yaokuai x2
  • Mental Core x1

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    <h2 class="subtitle">We teach you how to easily defeat the Yellow Wind King, one of the main bosses of the second chapter of Black Myth: Wukong and its final rewards</h2>
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    <p>Herein <a target="_blank" href="">Black Myth Wukong Guide</a>, we are going to teach you how to defeat one of the many <a target="_blank" href="">bosses</a> of this game, in this case, the <strong>King of the Yellow Wind</strong>. We will find him <strong>in a big sandstorm</strong> after the <strong>Wind Seal Gate</strong> or the Temple Basement. We show you several tips to defeat it and its final rewards.</p>

    <ul class="article-index">
        <li><a target="_blank" class="index main" href="#index0">How to defeat the Yellow Wind King</a></li>
        <li><a target="_blank" class="index main" href="#index1">Rewards</a></li>

    <h2 id="index0">How to defeat the Yellow Wind King</h2>
    <p>We are facing the formidable <strong>final boss of chapter 2</strong>; a good challenge, resistant, lethal, and with a plethora of attacks. What might bother you the most is the sand, as the particles can play tricks on your visibility.</p>

        <li>The best advice we can give you is to always <strong>keep the boss fixed</strong></li>
        <li>His most dangerous attack is a kick, followed by a cinematic where he impales you into the ground, stepping on you, and launching you away - essentially delivering a devastating blow.</li>

    <div id="attachment_790858" class="wp-caption alignnone">
        <img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-790858" loading="lazy" alt="Be very careful with this boss's kick." width="1280" height="720" class="size-full wp-image-790858" srcset=" 425w, 800w, 1200w" src=""/>
        <div class="wp-caption-text-div">
            <p id="caption-attachment-790858" class="wp-caption-text">Be very careful with this boss's kick.</p>

        <li>He executes simple combos with his 3 to 4 hit spear, ending with a jump that embeds the spear into the ground, causing a series of spears to erupt. Simply dodge sideways to avoid.</li>
        <li>During the fight, he may jump at you while spinning with his spear, repeating this attack two to three times. After he lands, take that moment to unleash a few attacks on him.</li>
        <li>Throughout the battle, focus on using your magical abilities as much as possible, and always attack after his combo sequences. This is crucial for victory.</li>

    <h2 id="index1">Rewards</h2>
    <p>After defeating the Yellow Wind King, the rewards are as follows:</p>

    <table class="wp-block-table">
                <td>Refined Iron Sand</td>
                <td>Nucleo Yaokuai</td>
                <td>Mental Core</td>

    <p style="font-style:italic">You can follow <b>Alpha Beta</b> on <a target="_blank" href="">Facebook</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">WhatsApp</a>, or <a target="_blank" href="">Twitter (X)</a> to stay up to date with the latest video game news.</p>

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