How to Control Negative Thoughts: The Role of GABA and the Hippocampus in Thought Control

2023-07-28 00:36:56

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There are times when just thinking regarding it makes me irritated, embarrassing, and embarrassing memories that I can’t stop in my head. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Suddenly kick the blanket!
There are times when just thinking regarding it makes me irritated, embarrassing, and embarrassing memories that I can’t stop in my head. A song by an artist you don’t really like keeps lingering in your brain, memories of bad times with an ex-lover, and memories of making a mistake while presenting at the company come up. These uncomfortable and negative thoughts, the so-called ‘blanket kick angle’, continue to harass you in your head.

Although it may seem like a minor problem to others, these negative thoughts can wreak havoc on basic mental functions, especially for people with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Negative thought control, clues to activation of hippocampus in addition to frontal lobe

The question is, can you really control these thoughts? For decades, scientists have believed that an evolutionarily more advanced nervous system in the frontal lobe is responsible for controlling obsessive thoughts. However, there is more complexity than this, and a clue has been revealed that persistent negative thoughts can be controlled with external intervention.

According to a recent study by neuroscientists at Cambridge University in the United States, the hippocampus area of ​​the brain plays a more important role in controlling obsessive negative thoughts. GABA, a neurotransmitter associated with activation of the hippocampus, is involved in obsessive thoughts (thoughts that come to mind even when you try not to think regarding them). GABA is one of the most commonly used neurotransmitters in the mammalian central nervous system.

University of Cambridge neuroscientist Dr. Taylor W. Schmitz and his team hypothesized that GABA activity in the hippocampus and brain-connected systems all the way to the frontal lobe of the brain might work together to help control obsessive thoughts.

In a task called the “Think/No-Think” process, the researchers asked participants to learn words that were not semantically connected. For example, words like ‘apple and motorcycle’ or ‘telephone and cucumber’ have completely different meanings.

Participants were asked to remember these connected words when the green light was on, and not to remember these words when the red light was on. When it’s a green light, and you see an apple, you should think regarding the word’s counterpart, a motorcycle. The reverse process was also implemented.

Controlling your thoughts effectively is very important for achieving psychological stability. Disruption of this process can result in fatal symptoms. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]GABA control in the brain’s hippocampus suggests it might stop negative thoughts

Dr. Schmitz’s team found that participants with low levels of GABA in the hippocampus had problems inhibiting hippocampal activation. Problems with activity in the hippocampus impaired control functions in the frontal lobe, resulting in reduced ability to inhibit thoughts on the think/don’t think task.

This study is significant in revealing the connection between thought control mechanisms in the frontal lobe and GABA activity in the hippocampus. In previous studies, it was thought that the frontal lobe played a major role in controlling unnecessary and negative thoughts, but in this study, it was found that activation of the hippocampus forms the basis of the brain pathways that control thoughts, especially when GABA levels are reduced. show

Controlling your thoughts effectively is very important for achieving psychological stability. Disruption of this process can result in fatal symptoms. In particular, mental problems such as obsessive memories, visions, hallucinations, delusions, excessive worry, and constant anxiety may occur.

This thought-out-of-control condition can be alleviated with hippocampal GABA-specific interventions, medications and supplements, the researchers explain. This means that by addressing GABA-related problems in the hippocampus, you can ameliorate the negative effects of obsessive and unwanted thoughts on your mental health.

#hate #think.. #bad #memories #coming

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