How to Control Blood Sugar and Prevent Hyperglycemia: 9 Effective Methods

2023-09-12 10:52:21

hyperglycemia (Hyperglycemia) is often found in diabetic patients. This is because the body does not have enough of the hormone insulin. May cause complications As a result, nerves, blood vessels, or various organs are damaged, leading to serious health problems. For those who do not have diabetes It usually comes from behavior and lifestyle. Including eating, stress, not exercising. It is a disease related to the pancreas. and taking medicine that contains steroids

Therefore, how to best control blood sugar? It is inevitable to change behavior in life. since sleep Eating Drinking drinks that help keep the body healthy to exercise That can help you control your blood sugar very well. If anyone is looking for a way to control sugar. Don’t worry, Thaiger will give you tips for controlling your blood sugar. Take care of everyone’s health from within. For better health of everyone

9 ways to control blood sugar How to take care of yourself so that your sugar doesn’t rise.

1. control diet

One of the basic methods of controlling blood sugar. There is no escaping the control of food. You should consume foods that are high in sugar such as desserts, sugary drinks, soft drinks, and processed foods less. Focus on eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, meat, fish, eggs, beans, and tofu. Most importantly, you should eat foods from all 5 food groups. Avoid eating foods that High in fat Because fat makes the body more resistant to insulin. Blood sugar therefore rises.

2. Exercise regularly

I believe that many people know how beneficial exercise is. Exercise will increase your energy metabolism. Makes the body use more sugar. As a by-product, blood sugar decreases as well. It also helps reduce blood pressure. Helps make the heart and lungs stronger.

3. Maintain a normal body weight.

If you are overweight or obese It will make the body more resistant to insulin. Blood sugar levels therefore increase. Losing weight helps your body control blood sugar levels better. It also helps reduce the risk of obesity. and other complications that will follow

4. refrain from drinking alcohol

because of drinking alcohol Will cause the body to produce more of the hormone altosterone. Causes the body to accumulate more water and sodium than normal. For diabetics Drinking alcohol can also lead to pancreatitis. Production of digestive enzymes and the hormone insulin that helps the body use sugar normally. If you need to drink Shouldn’t drink on an empty stomach. Because sudden low blood sugar may occur.

5. Drink water regularly, don’t let it run out.

Drinking enough water helps your kidneys to flush out excess sugar through your urine. Helps blood sugar levels decrease. It also helps the organs in the body work smoothly. But the water that should be drunk regularly must be water only. If you drink soft drinks or sugary drinks, besides the sugar it will increase. It also increases your body weight.

6. control stress

When your body and mind are stressed The body releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Make your heart beat faster There is increased blood pumping. Blood vessel walls contract more than normal. For diabetics When the body secretes a lot of the hormone cortisol The body will be stimulated to release energy in the form of sugar. The more stressed Blood sugar levels will increase more and more.

7. Get enough sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep It will cause stress to the body. until insulin resistance occurs Resulting in high blood sugar. In addition, not getting enough rest will increase your appetite. It also has the potential to make you eat more. Causes body weight to increase as well.

8. avoid smoking

Smoking causes inflammation of the blood vessels and leads to narrowing of the blood vessels. Especially nicotine in burritos. that may cause blood vessels to contract Loss of flexibility Plus nicotine and toxins in cigarette smoke. will interfere with the action of insulin Blood sugar control will be poor as well.

9. Check your blood sugar level regularly.

Blood sugar tests can help you keep track of whether Are you controlling your sugar well now? You can also check which foods you eat cause high blood sugar. Because each person’s response to food is different. Testing your sugar is the only way to know for sure.

Symptoms to watch for in hyperglycemia

Signs of high blood sugar Although it is not yet clear, abnormalities can be observed. When the sugar level is higher than 180 milligrams per deciliter or more. Symptoms during the initial period can be observed from the following symptoms.

Frequent urination, especially during the night Can’t see clearly, is very thirsty, loses weight, gets tired easily. Wounds heal slowly and become infected easily. Often dizzy.

If people with sugar levels higher than 250 milligrams per deciliter or more and is not treated properly, acidosis may occur from the accumulation of ketone substances. which are waste products in the blood and urine This causes other symptoms to follow. In some cases, the symptoms may be so severe that they feel confused, depressed, and unconscious.

How high is the blood sugar level? Therefore, he is a diabetic patient.

Blood sugar level test It checks the sugar level in the blood. You must abstain from water and food for at least 8-10 hours before the blood test. and must be diagnosed by a doctor together with other information such as health history and symptoms found by blood sugar level divided into normal values High blood sugar levels and blood sugar values ​​higher than the standard criteria as follows

Normal values ​​in adults It will be between 70-100 milligrams per deciliter. It is considered the blood sugar level of a normal person. Blood sugar levels are higher than the standard. It is between 100-125 milligrams per deciliter. Considered to be at risk for diabetes. Blood sugar level greater than or equal to 126 milligrams per deciliter. It is considered diabetes.

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If anyone is having problems with high blood sugar We recommend that you try following the 9 methods that Thaiger has proposed. For diabetics You should take medicine and see your doctor regularly. If abnormalities in blood sugar levels are found You should consult your doctor for advice on control or prevention so that the symptoms do not get worse.

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