How to consume peanuts to take advantage of its benefits

It is a food that controls weight, since it is rich in fibers.

Peanuts have several health benefits, such as helping to decrease inflammation in the body and protecting the heart, preventing cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.

This dried fruit, which is also known as peanut, contains good fats, such as omega 3, complex vitamins B and E, and a high concentration of protein, which makes it a healthy source of energy.

It can also be defined as an oilseed that helps slow premature aging. Therefore, it provides many calories, a factor for which it should be consumed in moderation.

The recommended amount of peanuts is regarding a handful or a tablespoon in the case of peanut butter, for at least five times a week.

It can be used in various recipes, such as salads, desserts, snacks, cereal bars, cakes and chocolates, it can even be found as peanut butter or peanut butter, for example, being easy to find in supermarkets.

The health benefits of peanuts are:

Prevents heart disease
It contains resveratrol, a substance with a powerful antioxidant effect that is also found in wine, and that is responsible for capturing free radicals before they begin cell destruction, that is, it is a good antioxidant.

It also lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol, preventing it from being deposited in the arteries and inhibits platelet aggregation, reducing the risk of clots.

Helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis
Helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis, since it contains monounsaturated fat, known as good fat, which helps increase good cholesterol.

This type of cholesterol promotes the elimination of the one found in the tissues, preventing the arteries from becoming clogged.

Combat anemia
Because peanuts contain folic acid, which is a vitamin that stimulates the formation of blood cells.

Peanuts also have iron, which is another very important nutrient to prevent and treat anemia, because it increases the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Prevents the development of type 2 diabetes
Because it contains monounsaturated fat, known as good fat, peanuts help maintain stable sugar levels, preventing an increase in these, which can be a determining factor for the development of type 2 diabetes.

It is rich in fibers, which helps reduce blood sugar levels and prevent this disease.

Promotes weight loss
Peanuts are a food that helps in weight control, since it is rich in fibers that help increase the feeling of satiety and decrease hunger.

In addition, it is considered a thermogenic food, that is, it is capable of increasing metabolism, stimulating a greater expenditure of calories during the day, which helps to lose weight.

Prevents early aging
Because it is a food rich in vitamin E and omega 3, it has the function of being an antioxidant, which is why it helps prevent and delay early aging, since it acts as a cell renewal agent.

Maintains muscle health
Promotes muscle health, as it contains magnesium, an important mineral that helps strengthen muscles, and potassium, which improves muscle contraction. For this reason, peanuts are recommended for those who practice regular physical exercise.

They also contain vitamin E, which is responsible for increasing the resistance of the muscles.

Peanuts improve training performance, favor the increase in muscle mass through physical exercise and help in muscle recovery following training.

Reduces the risk of malformations in the baby
This food can be an important ally in pregnancy, since it contains iron that helps in the formation of the baby’s nervous system, its growth and development.

In addition, iron also helps reduce the risk of infections that are common during pregnancy, such as urinary tract infections.

In addition, peanuts also contain folic acid, which is very important during pregnancy, as it is responsible for reducing the risk of deficiencies in the brain and spine.

How to consume it
Peanuts should preferably be eaten fresh, because they have a higher amount of resveratrol and vitamins and minerals.

An excellent option is to buy it raw and roast it at home, placing it in the oven at a medium temperature for 10 minutes.

However, because it is a great source of calories, it should be consumed in moderation, following the recommended amount, which is regarding a handful or 1 tablespoon in the case of peanut butter, at least 5 times a week. to get your benefits.

People with a tendency to have oily skin should avoid eating peanuts in adolescence, as it tends to aggravate this situation. Also, in some people, peanuts can cause heartburn.

Despite being a great source of nutrients and having several health benefits, peanuts can cause a serious reaction, causing a skin rash, shortness of breath, or even an anaphylactic reaction, which can be life-threatening. Thus, children under 3 years of age or with a family history of allergic reaction should not consume this food until an allergy test has been carried out with the specialist.

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