How to combine psychiatric follow-up and social reintegration

The Clinique des Quatre-Saisons (Ramsay Santé) stands out from other establishments caring for patients suffering from psychiatric disorders. The establishment has a team that works for their social reintegration.

Jonathan Trichet is a psychiatrist at the Four Seasons Clinic (Marseilles) and at the Three Cypress Clinic (La Penne-sur-Huveaune). For the Quatre-Saisons, the psychiatrist follows hospitalized patients full-time. He presents the course and the specific support offered by the establishment.

Accompany patients in their procedures

Patients treated at the Clinique des Quatre-Saisons arrive following events of delusional or anxious decompensation. The team offers them medical, psychological and psycho-neurological care. The aim of the treatment is to stabilize the patient with as few side effects as possible.says Dr. Trichet.

Once this stabilization has been achieved, the Clinique des Quatre-Saisons also offers its patients support and psychosocial rehabilitation. (see MS testimony)with voluntarily longer hospitalizations in order to gradually reintegrate patients into society. “Our support therefore includes a whole social component for the attention of disintegrated people, who have lost their job, their housing. Some have pathologies that are too advanced to be completely independent, so we make sure to place them in suitable accommodation, with people who can come and see them regularly”says Dr. Trichet.

The clinic’s team, made up of psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, nurses and caregivers, as well as a social worker and two educators, will thus be able to help patients find accommodation or sign their lease. They can also be accompanied on questions of over-indebtedness, request for RSA or curatorship-guardianship. « In a personalized way, for each patient, we will make sure that he can find autonomy, a job or an adapted structure, summarizes Dr. Trichet. For example, we were able to accompany a patient in a complicated family situation (harassment by the ex-companion) in her divorce measures, then in her application for social housing. »

Work on the therapeutic education of patients

“Patients treated by the clinic suffer from different pathologies, such as paranoid schizophrenia, personality disorders, depressive syndromes, and can be referred by hospitals and clinics that are not necessarily equipped for the social component”, adds the psychiatrist. After discharge, the patients are still monitored by the Quatre-Saisons team, and some are even placed in a day hospital, which allows them to maintain social ties, while having continuous therapeutic monitoring and support from a social worker for their procedures.

To go even further in supporting patients, the Clinique des Quatre-Saisons plans to develop the SPEP (programmed psycho-educational stay), a new unit dedicated to therapeutic education, with Dr. El Omeiri as coordinating psychiatrist. Stabilized patients will thus be able to better understand their disease and their symptoms. And people already in the structure will be able to share their experience with newcomers. A real learning between patients will thus be able to take place.



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